David Sacks

Letter Perfect yazarı
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David Sacks Sözleri ve Alıntıları

David Sacks sözleri ve alıntılarını, David Sacks kitap alıntılarını, David Sacks en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Today Chinese schoolchildren normally take three years longer than Western children to learn to read and write, with most of that extra time devoted to mastering the symbols.
Many modern uses of English J go back to Latin consonantal I. The Roman gods whom we call Jupiter, Juno, and Janus actually had Latin names Iuppiter, Iuno, and Ianus (pronounced “Yupp-piter,” “Yoono,” “Yahnus”). Janus was patron god of the doorway ( ianua ), connected also to the Roman word for door-keeper, ianitor, whence our janitor. The Roman calendar opened with the month of Ianuarius, January. Julius Caesar was actually named Iulius (Yoolius).
Whereas the Germanic Franks who invaded Roman Gaul (modern France) in the 500s A.D. became assimilated and adopted the defeated inhabitants’ Latin dialect (the future language French), this was not so for the Anglo-Saxons; their newcomer language became that of England. One reason for this linguistic takeover was the overwhelming evacuation of the Roman British population after defeat: They sailed to Gaul or withdrew into the western uplands now known as Wales, where their Celtic element is today preserved in the traditional Welsh language, still the first tongue spoken in many homes and public places of North Wales.
In time, the ancient Greek word delta took on a second meaning: a triangle or something triangle shaped, whether in geometry, carpentry, land survey, or other pursuits. By the mid-400s B.C. the Greeks were using this word to describe northern Egypt’s region of fertile alluvium, formed by the Nile River’s outlets diverging toward the Mediterranean Sea. On a modern map, the Nile Delta appears as a solid triangle, tip pointing southward.
Around A.D. 100, some 700 years after the Roman alphabet had been created, the Romans added two more letters, which are our Y and Z. The two were copied directly from the Athenian Greek alphabet of the day. Z was the Greek consonant zeta; Y was the vowel upsilon (again). The Romans imported them to help transliterate Greek words into Latin, a need created by the influx of Greek technical and cultural vocabulary into Rome during prior centuries.
The “ee” pronunciation of long I is the original and proper one, dating back to the ancient European tongues of Greek, Etruscan, and Latin. English stands apart, due to the mysterious vowel-pronunciation shift in England during the 1400s and 1500s A.D. Prior to that time, the medieval English long I was evidently pronounced closer to “ee.” The word “life,” typically spelled as lif, would have sounded like “leaf.”
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