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Thomas Stern

Thomas SternNietzsche's Ethics yazarı
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Thomas Stern
Thomas Stern
78 syf.
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Nietzsche'nin son dönem eserleri üzerine hazırlanmış ve hristiyanlığın, genel anlamdaysa ahlakın eleştirisi ile Nietzsche'nin etik anlayışını anlatan güzel bir kitap. Nietzsche, ahlakın soy kütüğü kitabından şunu sorar: ''İnsanoğlu hangi koşullar altında yaratmıştı bu iyi ve kötü değer yargılarını?'' Nietzsche'nin yaptığı müthiş açıklamasını bir kenara bırakarak düşünelim cevabı. Kitapta da Nietzsche'nin yapmış olduğu açıklama üzerinden yürünmüş ve Nietzsche'de etik olgusunu efendi-köle ilişkisi üzerinden değerlendirmiştir. Kitap, ahlakın soy kütüğü kitabının bir okuması niteliğinde. Genel olarak anlaşılamadığı için deli denilen bir düşünür olan Nietzsche'nin kitapları üzerine yazılan okumaların, türkçeye çevrilmesinin oldukça önemli olduğunu düşünüyorum. Bu anlamda bu kitabın çevirisinin olmayışı üzücü. İlgilisi için tavsiye edebileceğim kitaplar arasında. Keyifli okumalar.
Nietzsche's Ethics
Nietzsche's EthicsThomas Stern · Cambridge Elements Ethics · 20205 okunma
''Life is portrayed as a dynamic force, which can be highly creative and tenacious in seeking out.'' ''Hayat, siz arayışta oldukça, yaratıcı ve inatçı olabilen dinamik bir güç olarak tanımlanır.''
Nietzsche okumalarında,
''We must stop reading him as though he is up to something else.'' ''Onu başka bir şeyin peşindeymiş gibi okumayı bırakmalıyız.''
''Daha önce Nietzsche’nin, yaşamın amaçlarına yönelik göndermelerini ve bunun yanında yaşamın kör olduğu konusundaki ısrarını not etmiştik. Aynı gerilim Schopenhauer'de ve hatta doğal seleksiyonu genellikle belirli amaçları olan akıllı bir ajan olarak sunan Darwin'de de vardır.'' ''Earlier, we noted Nietzsche’s references to Life’s aims and intentions, together with his official insistence that Life is blind. The same tension is found in Schopenhauer and even in Darwin, who often presents natural selection as an intelligent agent with specific aims.''
Earlier, we noted Nietzsche’s references to Life’s aims and intentions, together with his official insistence that Life is blind. The same tension is found in Schopenhauer and even in Darwin, who often presents natural selection as an intelligent agent with specific aims.
Nietzsche and Schopenhauer
The combination of the Schopenhauerian and natural-scientific contexts led, in Nietzsche, to a ‘will’, Life, characterised more in terms of power, conflict, insatiability and exploitation than its Schopenhauerian counterpart.
The answer would be complex: as we shall see, Life is portrayed as a dynamic force, which can be highly creative and tenacious in seeking out.
We can sketch Nietzsche’s view as follows: living things are necessarily governed by Life, a force that operates through them to achieve power-increasing ends. In this study, ‘the Life Theory’ is my name for this view.
Nietzsche and Power Seeking
When Nietzsche looks out at the realm of living things, what he sees is a domain necessarily characterised by power seeking.
Christian Morality
Christian morality is dominant and highly significant in modern Europe. Christian morality’s adherents are not necessarily faithful Christians, nor are all faithful Christians adherents of Christian morality.
A morality is a particular value system, belonging to a historical group or groups of people, arising among them for contingent reasons that can be the object of sociological study. Nietzsche has various different examples in mind, including Ancient Greek morality, Ancient Israelite morality and Christian morality.
These are useful places to start if you think that Nietzsche was a proto-Nazi, or, conversely, that he wrote nothing troubling or offensive and was completely misunderstood and unjustly appropriated by the Nazis with the aid of his evil Nazi sister; likewise, if you think that he certainly died of syphilis, or that he was a visionary whose ideas arose free from any intellectual context or influence, or, indeed, a philosopher working with presuppositions and preoccupations more or less identical to our own. But there is something inhospitable about greeting the reader with a blizzard of references. Rather than attempting the impossible task of clearing away any prejudicial associations, I move to what I take to be the most feasible alternative: to be as clear as possible about the aims, method and scope of this account of Nietzsche’s ethics.
The most striking is surely Nietzsche’s style, which makes it difficult to find a firm footing. Amongst other things, his writing is exuberant, distractible, bet hedging, shape-shifting, grandiose, littered with familiar and unfamiliar names, often overtly fictional and, in turns, attractive and repulsive.
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