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Timothy A. Judge

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İnsanların gerçek eylemlerine bakınca, yıldızların evrenini anlamak hiç de o kadar karmaşık gibi gelmiyor. -Marcel Proust
Daha fazla pişman olma ihtimaliniz daha yüksek olduğu durum eylemsizliktir.
Sayfa 193 - Nobel Akademik YayıncılıkKitabı okudu
Lanet olası sapkınlar!
Orta Doğu' da gülümsemek aynı zamanda cinsel çekimin de bir göstergesi olarak algılanabilir; bu yüzden kadınlar erkeklere gülümsememeyi öğrenmişlerdir.
Sayfa 121 - Duygular ve Duygu DurumlarKitabı okudu
Zirvedeki duygular tahmin ettiğimiz kadar yüksekte olmadığı gibi dipteki duygular da tahmin ettiğimiz kadar derinde değillerdir.
Sayfa 107 - Nobel Akademik YayıncılıkKitabı okudu
Mantıklı düşünebilmek için duygularımızı hissedebilmeliyiz. Neden? Çünkü duygularımız, etrafımızdaki dünyayı algılayabilmemiz için önemli bilgiler edinmemizi sağlar.
Sayfa 104 - Nobel Akademik YayıncılıkKitabı okudu
Gerçekte ırk ve etnik köken dünya tarihinin oldukça acılı bir bölümünü kapsar ve artık öyle bir noktaya gelmişizdir ki bu kavramlardan ileriye gidip de kendimizi "insan" ırkının bir parçası olarak göremeyiz.
Sayfa 61 - Nobel Akademik YayıncılıkKitabı okudu
value system: a hierarchy based on a ranking of an individual’s values in terms of their intensity... When we rank values in terms of intensity, we obtain that person’s value system. We all have a hierarchy of values according to the relative importance we assign to values such as freedom, pleasure, self-respect, honesty, obedience, and equality... Values tend to be relatively stable and enduring.86 Many of the values we hold are established in our early years—by parents, teachers, friends, and others. If we question our values, they may change, but more often they are reinforced. There is also evidence linking personality to values, implying our values may be partly determined by genetically transmitted traits.
trait activation theory: Jobs in Which certain Big five traits are More relevant Jobs scoring high (the traits listed here should predict behavior in these jobs) Jobs scoring low (the traits listed here should not predict behavior in these jobs) Jobs that score high activate these traits (make them more relevant to predicting behavior) Detail
Dark Triad: a constellation of negative personality traits consisting of machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy.
Model of How Big Five Traits Influence OB criteria Big Five Traits Why is It Relevant? What Does It Affect? Emotional stability •Less negative thinking • Higher job and life and fewer negative emotions satisfaction •Less hypervigilant •Lower stress levels Extraversion •Better interpersonal skills •Higher performance •Greater social dominance •Enhanced leadership •More emotionally expressive •Higher job and life satisfaction Openness •Increased learning •Training performance •More creative •Enhanced leadership •More flexible and autonomous •More adaptable to change Agreeableness •Better liked •Higher performance •More compliant and conforming •Lower levels of deviant behavior Conscientiousness •Greater effort and persistence •Higher performance •More drive and discipline •Enhanced leadership •Better organized and planning •Greater longevity
Traits That Matter Most to Business Success at Buyout companies Most Important Less Important Persistence Strong oral communication Attention to detail Teamwork Efficiency Flexibility/adaptability Analytical skills Enthusiasm Setting high standards Listening skills
Emotional Stability at Work: Of the Big Five traits, emotional stability is most strongly related to life satisfaction, job satisfaction, and low stress levels. People with high emotional stability can adapt to unexpected or changing demands in the workplace. At the other end of the spectrum, neurotic individuals, who may be unable to cope with these demands, may experience burnout. These people also tend to experience work-family conflict, which can affect work outcomes.
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