After Life
Günün birinde son yemeğini yiyip, son çiçeğini koklayıp, bir arkadaşına son kez sarılacaksın. Son kez olduğundan haberin olmayacak.O yüzden, sevdiğin her şeyi tutkuyla yapmalısın işte. Kalan yıllarının kıymetini bilmelisin, çünkü devamı yok..."
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Imagine this: Death himself gets a front-row seat to the life of Liesel Meminger, a tough-as-nails little girl shoved into foster care during WWII. He tells her story, not in a spooky way, but with a weary curiosity. Liesel, surrounded by the chaos of Nazi Germany, finds an escape in stolen books. Words become her armor, stories her solace. Zusak's "The Book Thief" isn't just about war. It's about the fierce bond between Liesel and her gruff-but-gentle foster father, Hans, who teaches her to read. It's about the unwavering friendship with Rudy, a boy who dreams of becoming a champion runner. Laughter flickers even in the darkest corners as they share stolen moments of joy. This book is a gut punch. You'll cry, you'll cheer, you'll want to hug Liesel tight. But most importantly, you'll be reminded of the resilience of the human spirit and the power of words to steal you away, even in the face of unimaginable hardship. It's a story that lingers long after the last page is turned, a must-read for anyone who's ever found comfort in a good book.
The Book Thief
The Book ThiefMarkus Zusak · Black Swan · 201412,7bin okunma
Şehitlerimize rahmet Pkk'ya lanet!
Arkasında bıraktığı hayat hikayesiyle şehadetinden sonra dahi bizlere öğretmenlik yapmaya devam eden Şenay Aybüke Yalçın’ı, şehadetinin 7. yılında saygı ve rahmetle anıyorum. Aybüke öğretmenin hayallerini yarım bırakan hain PKK terör örgütünü bir kez daha lanetliyorum. I commemorate Şenay Aybüke Yalçın, who continued to teach us even after her martyrdom with the life story she left behind, with respect and mercy on the 7th anniversary of her martyrdom. I once again curse the treacherous terrorist organization PKK that left Teacher Aybuke's dreams unfinished.
"I was horrified that I couldn't feel anything at her death. I had really loved Granny, and the hymns that we'd chosen together were sung. Why then couldn't I grieve? Long after the funeral, my comforter was replaced by Granny's - my mother's only inheritance. In the evening when I pulled it up over me, Granny's special smell of clean linen flooded over me, and then I cried for the first time and understood what had happened. Oh, Granny, you'll never hear me sing again. You'll never spread real butter on my bread again, and what you've forgotten to tell me about your life will now never be revealed. Every evening, for a long time, I cried myself to sleep, for the smell continued to cling to the comforter."
Life is a waterfall We're one in the river And one again after the fall Swimming through the void, we hear the word We lose ourselves, but we find it all 'Cause we are the ones that want to play Always want to go, but you never want to stay And we are the ones that want to choose Always want to play but you never want to lose
Asla ardına bakma
Avantajı ele geçirdikten sonra bile düşüncelerim sürekli "kritik" pozisyona geri dönüyordu. Bu psikolojik bir hataydı. And this was a psychological blunder, for even after I had gained the advantage, my thoughts kept returning to the ‘critical’ position.
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