
her sey yurur, ileriye ve disariya dogru, hicbir sey cokup gitmez ve olmek belli de hepimizin dusundugunden baskadir, belki de olen daha sanslidir
Sayfa 50
guclu olmak istemiyordum. guclu biri oldugunuz zaman insanlar ilk once sizden vazgeciyorlardi. guclu oldugunuz zaman caninizi yakmaktan cekinmiyorlardi. caniniz yanmaz diye dusunuyorlardi ancak guclu olmanin, yalnizca basa cikmak oldugunu ben cok iyi biliyordum.
Sayfa 35
368 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
4 günde okudu
Hawthorne Mirası
Hawthorne MirasıJennifer Lynn Barnes
8.2/10 · 189 okunma

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i stopped wondering when the next chapter would finally begin, & i started writing it instead. —how i got out of my own way.
Sayfa 133Kitabı okudu
fairy godmother says if they make it easy to lie about them to everyone around you, then that means something is very, very wrong. don’t ignore red flags— they’re the universe’s way of protecting you.
fairy godmother says he is not the standard by which you should be measuring your worth in this world. before he came along, you were a fierce wonder to behold. you will continue to be that long after he walks away from you.
fairy godmother says villains almost never look like cackling witches, cruel stepmothers, or bratty stepsisters. they’re so much quieter than that, & i think that’s what makes them so menacing. in some chapters of your storybook, you’ll find them hiding everywhere—even in the faces of those you hold dearest. they never reveal their true intentions until you’ve already trusted them too much, & just like that, everyone you know has turned into a stranger.
whenever somebody asks her how she’s been holding up, she can never bring herself to tell them how she’s truly feeling inside. it’s always fine or great or amazing, but how are you? the last thing she would ever want to do is inconvenience them—or worse, seem self- involved. —she just wants one person to catch her in the lie.
every night when she’s finally alone, she takes a red marker & circles the parts of herself she would most like to see disappear—her thighs, her stomach, her upper arms—until there’s no part of her left untouched. —“nothing will ever be enough,” she whispers.
fairy godmother says you don’t need to look a certain way to deserve someone’s heart. no matter your shape— no matter your size— be proud of all the space your body dares to take up.
eglenmenin aptal gibi gorunme korkusundan daha onemli oldugunu anladigimda kendime guvenmeye basladim
Sayfa 128Kitabı okudu
bu kadar detayli dusunmek tuketiyor yasam enerjimi yalvardim kendi kendime durabilmek icin
Sayfa 122Kitabı okudu
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