
194 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
3/5 Stars (%63/100) Overall, it is pretty good but not a lot of things happen. The next fight is between Raiden Tameemon (A famous sumo wrestler from Japan) and Lord Shiva who was waiting his turn for a while now. They fight briefly and we learn some information about Raiden's origins. I don't know a lot about Raiden so this should be interesting. Also, there is a nice twist at the end of the book for which I am quite curious about. In short, it was a good volume but the "action" will be in the next volume I guess.
Record of Ragnarök #8
Record of Ragnarök #8Takumi Fukui · コアミックス · 202010 okunma
93 görüntüleme
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