
192 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
4/5 Stars (%84/100) THEY SHOULD HAVE ENDED THE WHOLE SERIES AFTER THE DEMON KING FIGHT :( I liked the ending regarding the Demon King. I can go so far as to say Chapter 333 (Pride, Gluttony and Scars) is one of my favourite chapters in the entire series because of Escanor and the beautiful relationship between the Sins. However, after our heroes return to the capital, suddenly Vivian mentions Chaos. We learn more about Chaos and Merlin's true purpose all these years. I honestly hated it. This "epilogue" is too long for anyone's sake and I won't accept any argument regarding this short Chaos arc. To me, the series ends after the Demon King fight.
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 40
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 40Nakaba Suzuki · 202010 okunma
93 görüntüleme
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