
“My infatuation with Kerensky had a very important influence on me in one respect,” Alice later said. “I decided that I could never be in love with an ordinary man. I said to Mother, ‘I’m in love with Kerensky.’ The adults said it was an infatuation, not love—so I stopped telling them. I concluded that I am in love, it’s not just infatuation. And since he was married, I would never marry— because I could never be in love with anyone but a hero. In my last years in high school, when girls began to go out on dates, I remember feeling a very superior contempt: How can they be interested in just ordinary boys? J have to have a hero. By then, I had given up the idea that I’d never marry, but one thing did remain, and remains to this day: I can never be in love with anybody but a hero.”
Sayfa 20 - Rand'ın "I'm in love" diyebildiği adamı araştırma hatırlatıcısı alıntı, Alexander Kelensky
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#202831990 totally agree but never felt like I found someone close to this yet
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