
You’ll notice most of the “interactions” I have listed occur online. That’s because someone who gives you crumbs doesn’t have any actual time for you IRL. Because, surprise! They don’t value you. It’s hard to hear I know, but they value only what you can do for their own ego. If they do “make time” for you, you can bet it will always be when it suits them. During late hours, when they’re bored, or when the person who makes them work for attention isn’t texting them back. They know they can rely on you to boost them back up. This person will keep throwing you just enough crumbs to make sure they never lose that spot in your life, but not enough to the point of actually spending any of their energy, investing any of their time or reciprocating the energy you give so freely and instinctively to them.
21 görüntüleme
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