
I wonder-is anyone here A stranger as forlorn as I? His heart wounded, his eyes tearful A stranger as forlorn as I? Let no one be lonesome like me Or writhe in exile’s agony. Teacher, I hope no one will be A stranger as forlorn as I. They’ll say, “He’s dead, that sad stranger.” Hearing of it three days later, They’ll wash my corpse in cold water A stranger as forlorn as I. Yunus gets no help nor pity. No cure for his calamity, Drifting from city to city- A stranger as forlorn as I. Aceb şu yerde var m’ola Şöyle garib bencileyin Bağrı başlı gözü yaşlı Şöyle garib bencileyin Kimseler garib olmasın Hasret oduna yanmasın Hocam kimseler olmasın Şöyle garib bencileyin Bir garib ölmüş diyeler Üç günden sonra duyalar Soğuk su ile yuyalar Şöyle garib bencileyin Hey Emrem Yunus biçare Bulunmaz derdine çare Var imdi gez şardan şara Şöyle garib bencileyin
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