
452 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
3 günde okudu
4/5 Stars (%73/100) This was considered to be the Bible during the Harlem Renaissance and even today, it has an important place in African-American literature and American literature in general. This is essentially an anthology compiled by Alain Locke who was a very influential figure. There are lots of literary works in the book from different genres by a variety of black artists such as Langston Hughes, Cullen McKay and Zora Neale Hurston. Anyone who is interested in American history and literature (especially black people) should read this book. I've read some excerpts from the book many years ago but I had a chance to finish the entire book now.
The New Negro
The New NegroAlain Locke · Touchstone · 19991 okunma
63 görüntüleme
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