
240 syf.
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1 saatte okudu
3/5 Stars (%64/100) Though I am not a huge fan of Alice Walker, I have to accept that she is still extremely important in American literature. This is a short story I've read a while ago and the following paragraph is taken from an essay that I wrote. Maggie is nervous and shy, and the narrator is also excited and kind of nervous about this reunion. However, from the moment Dee comes with Hakim, you sense something is off. She has gone crazy about looking at everything as art. Since she is also a black woman, she seems to make an extreme effort displaying herself as an artist. In the end, she embarrasses herself more than before with these extreme artistic behaviours. She insults her sister and tries to belittle her. She fights with her mother over something simple and then leaves. After Dee leaves, the narrator and Maggie enjoy their time together. Maggie is not full of fear anymore and the mother’s happiness is not dependent on Dee.
Everyday Use
Everyday UseAlice Walker · 199418 okunma
28 görüntüleme
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