
250 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
8 günde okudu
3/5 Stars (%67/100) I wanted to give 4 stars but decided not to. Instead, it is a high 3 star (almost 4 stars) and it is much better in my opinion. I really like Stephen Fry and that's why I wanted to give it a go. Fry's humour is brilliant but I also loved his comments and books about mythology. I am also personally interested in Victorian Era so this book was perfect for me. However, I did not enjoy every chapter in this collection. There is 12 in total and they all talk about the different aspects of the era such as sex, marriage and divorce, colored people in England, asylums, and more. The first three chapters were great the others not so much maybe except the last one that talks about Sherlock Holmes. Overall, I liked it and it was a good way of killing time.
Stephen Fry's Victorian Secrets
Stephen Fry's Victorian SecretsStephen Fry · 20181 okunma
40 görüntüleme
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