
211 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Now I feel what you meant by saying „everything is connected“. In the middle of the night, while the rain is pouring, I am trying to share my review, feelings about you and cannot keep thinking how many times our ways are crossed (?) and „it is the secret of life“. To be honest, it is so far away from my taste, but once again he surprised me and the whole novel made me turn pages. I have taken the book with myself to dentist, restaurant, coffee shop, I was even reading while in the car, having dinner.. It was the very first time (le petite prince) there were tears on my cheeks. One of the most important point that, all the characters, scenes were in my mind like I was watching a movie. Enjoy, With love!
PastlessAnar T. Rzayev · Bağımsız olarak yayımlandı. · 20181 okunma
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