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Giriş Yap
Understanding how the limbic system’s freeze, flight, and fight responses influence nonverbal behavior is only part of the equation. As you study nonverbal behavior, you will discover that whenever there is a limbic response—especially to a negative or threatening experience—it will be followed by what I call pacifying behaviors (Navarro, 2007,
The ten rules of ikigai
We’ll conclude this journey with ten rules we’ve distilled from the wisdom of the long-living residents of Ogimi: 1. Stay active; don’t retire. Those who give up the things they love doing and do well lose their purpose in life. That’s why it’s so important to keep doing things of value, making progress, bringing beauty or utility to others,
How can we be more antifragile?
Step 1: Create redundancies Instead of having a single salary, try to find a way to make money from your hobbies, at other jobs, or by starting your own business. If you have only one salary, you might be left with nothing should your employer run into trouble, leaving you in a position of fragility. On the other hand, if you have several options
10 Things Emotionally Intelligent People do not Do
1. They don’t assume that the way they think and feel about a situation is the way it is in reality, nor how it will turn out in the end. 2. Their emotional base points are not external. Their emotions aren’t “somebody else’s doing,” and therefore “somebody else’s problem to resolve.” (in my words, they take responsibility for their emotions and
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