Current Joys - A Different Age
“Kaybedildiğinde bulunamayacak veya yeri dolmayacak tek şey var; O da -Hayat-“ (Yaşamı ıskalamamak lazım) Steve Jobs
1- Lou Andreas Salome First she born in Petersburg an she is Russian She born at 12 february 1861 Her father was an general but he never force to her. She went to Germany for her education. Her education is focusing on philosophy, theology and art. I think in this years just a bit women Have theology education. But she did it and this is the first reason i love her. She is uniqe, clever, likes reading and… Then her mother send her to Rome. In Rome she meet with her friend Paul Ree he proposed her but she refuse it. Then Nietasche propose her too, Yes the famous philosaphyst Nietache!, but she refuse it too Some people say she is the reason of Nietzche’s hate to womens . And finally she meet with Rilke with her life’s love. But she married with Friedrich Andreas. According to something i read; He say He will kill himself if Lou refuse his propose. How selfish behavior! After that she have to marry with him. But her relationship with Rilke continued for few years. Her husband know it but he don’t say anything because they are not like real wife-husband. They only married formally. When she's 50 years old she interested in psychology and she met with Freud. They correspond 25 years. She's first women psychoanalyst in the world she did her job when she's 74. She has get some heart problems and she's dead when she's 75 years ald in Germany. 5 february 1937 Readwithtonks 27/01/22
Lou Andreas-Salomé
Lou Andreas-Salomé
"Müşterilerinize ne istediğini sorup ona göre ürün çıkaramazsınız, çünkü siz onların istediğini yaparken onlar başka bir şey istiyor olacaktır." Steve Jobs
Endüstri 4.0
Endüstri 4.0
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