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Etik Sürtük

Dossie Easton

Etik Sürtük Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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Diyet yapan kişilere bazen çok acıkıp bunun nasıl bir his olduğunu görmeleri ve bu hissin de üstesinden gelebileceklerini anlamaları önerilir; sizin de belki kendinizi yoksun hissetmeye, böylece bir şeylerden yoksun bırakılmış hissetmenin dünyanın sonu olmadığını kendinize kanıtlamaya gereksiniminiz vardır.
Bazen bir hazdan gönüllü olarak vazgeçmek, başından beri gözümüzün önündeki başka bir hazzı fark etmemizi sağlar; bazen başka bir şey kendiliğinden hayatınıza girer; bazen de vazgeçtiğiniz şeye o anda o kadar da ihtiyaç duymadığınızı anlamış olursunuz.
Partnerinizin öteki arkadaşını çok sevmesi size olan aşkının bitmesine mi neden olacak? Ya artık partneriniz, sizin o kadar da özel olmadığınızı düşünmeye başlarsa? Ya onunla birlikteyken artık size ihtiyaç duymayacak kadar çılgınca bir mutluluk hissederse? Zaten partneriniz sizi neden istesin ki? Bunlar aç kalma korkusuna kapıldığımızda zihnimizde beliriveren küçük ve korkunç sorulardır.
Çevrenizdeki insanlara bakıp tenlerinin rengi, cinsiyetleri, konuşma biçimleri, giyiniş tarzları, dinleri ya da geldikleri ülke yüzünden onları dışladığınızda -daha da kötüsü, haklarında bilinmesi gereken her şeyi bildiğinizi varsaydığınızda size öğretebilecekleri o yepyeni ve müthiş şeyleri öğrenme şansını yitirmiş olursunuz.
Geriye dönüp bakınca, yaşadığımız bazı ayrılıkların aslında iki tarafın da sağlıklı bir yaşam sürebilmesi, kişisel gelişimini tamamlayabilmesi için gerekli gelişmeler olduğunu görüyoruz. O zamanlar kendimizi ne kadar kötü hissetmiş olursak olalım.
Hollywood tells us that “love means never having to say you’re sorry,” and we, fools that we are, believe it.
Look at the lyrics of popular songs or read some classical poetry: the phrases we choose to describe romantic love don’t really sound all that pleasant. “Crazy in love,” “love hurts,” “obsession,” “heartbreak”…these are all descriptions of mental or physical illness. The feeling that gets called romantic love in this culture seems to be a heady cocktail of lust and adrenaline, sparked by uncertainty, insecurity, perhaps even anger or danger. The chills up the spine that we recognize as passion are, in fact, the same physical phenomenon as hair rising up on a cat’s back, caused by the fight-or-flight response. This kind of love can be thrilling and overwhelming and sometimes a hell of a lot of fun, but it is not the only “real” kind of love, nor is it always a good basis for an ongoing relationship.
Sluts share their sexuality the way philanthropists share their money: because they have a lot of it to share, because it makes them happy to share it, because sharing makes the world a better place.
Many people dream of having an abundance of love and sex and friendship. Some believe that such a life is impossible and settle for less than they want, feeling always a little lonely, a little frustrated. Others try to achieve their dream but are thwarted by outside social pressures or by their own emotions, and decide that such dreams must stay in the realm of fantasy. A few, though, persist and discover that being openly loving, intimate, and sexual with many people is not only possible but can be more rewarding than they ever imagined.
The more sexually repressive a culture becomes, the more outrageous its covert sexual thoughts and behaviors will become, as any fan of Victorian porn can attest.
So who is an ethical slut? We are. Many, many others are. Maybe you are too. If you dream of freedom, if you dream of intimacy both hot and profound, if you dream of an abundance of friends and flirtation and affection, of following your desires and seeing where they take you, then you’ve already taken the first step.
In his lectures to young communists in Germany during the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, psychologist Wilhelm Reich theorized that the suppression of sexuality was essential to an authoritarian government. Without the imposition of antisexual morality, he believed, people would be free from shame and would trust their own sense of right and wrong. They would be unlikely to march to war against their wishes or to operate death camps.
Her yerde seksistsiniz!
In most of the world, slut is a highly offensive term used to describe a woman whose sexuality is voracious, indiscriminate, and shameful. It’s interesting to note that the analogous words stud or player, used to describe a highly sexual man, are often terms of approval and envy. If you ask about a man’s morals, you will probably hear about his honesty, loyalty, integrity, and high principles. When you ask about a woman’s morals, you are more likely to hear about whom she shares sex with and under what conditions. We have a problem with this.
An old saw has it that men agree to relationships to have sex, and women agree to sex to have relationships.
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