Gizli Tarih

Donna Tartt

Gizli Tarih İletileri

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Gizli Tarih, kenar notu 5, Bölüm 2
Henry Winter ve flört – Richard, Francis'in kır evine yaptığı ziyaretin ilk gününde Henry ve Camilla ile birlikte küçük bir tekne gezintisine çıkar. İşte bu kısımda okuyucular olarak Henry'nin bazı alışkanlıklarına tanıklık etmekteyiz: "Daha sonra keşfedeceğim tuhaf bir huyu vardı, kendini ortamdan soyutlayarak ondan başka kimsenin
Gizli Tarih, kenar notu 4, Bölüm 1
Julian Morrow ve Yunan Harfi Ψ – Eminim ki pek çok okuyucu Julian'ın, psikolojiye karşı edindiği sert önyargılara rağmen, Dionysiac Ritüelini -psikanaliz bakımından- şu şekilde tanımladığını fark etmiştir: "Bu ilkel hissi, arzularının esiri olmuş benliği öldürmeye çalışmak izan sahibi herhangi biri için ve özellikle de eski insanlar ve
Gizli Tarih
Gizli Tarih
Gizli Tarih
Henry Winter ile tanışma zamanı çoktandır gelmişti.
The Secret History, margin note 7, Chapter 5
"Deprendi miserum est." – In the beginning of Chapter 5, when Francis came home after his rendezvous with Bunny to discover Henry in the middle of brainwashing Richard, Henry tried to console his nervous friend in Latin by saying: "Deprendi miserum est, he said. To my surprise Francis laughed, a humorless little snort." Here,
The Secret History, margin note 5, Chapter 2
Henry Winter, flirting – The first day of his visit to Francis's country house, Richard went on a little trip with Henry and Camilla in a boat. And here we have this introduction to some of Henry's habits: "He had a habit, as I was later to discover, of trailing off into absorbed, didactic, entirely self-contained monologues, about
The Secret History, margin note 1, Chapter 1
"Does such a thing as 'the fatal flaw,' that showy dark crack running down the middle of a life, exist outside literature? I used to think it didn't. Now I think it does. And I think that mine is this: a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs." – Having to grow up in California, what Richard saw as a world of mass production, he is naturally drawn to beauty and a romantic perception of world-view. It is the same reason that drives him into the conflict of the novel. He is massively charmed by Julian and his students' superficial beauty, which comes to the surface later, that he does not see them as who they really are. – Richard knows/learns later on that taking appearances at face value leads mostly to devastating consequences. That is why he calls this quality of his a "fatal flaw" or, originally, "hamartia". (Hamartia is a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine.)
The Secret History
The Secret History
Donna Tartt
Donna Tartt
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