Indebted #6.5

Indebted Epilogue

Pepper Winters

Indebted Epilogue Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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Chapter 10 * Jethro
I believed everyone had a tolerance for darkness because life wasn't just light. Life wasn't rainbows and bunny rabbits nor good luck or easy fortune. Real life was hard. There was mess and lies and heartbreak. They deserved to know they'd suffer tragedies as well as winning. Because that was what made an empathic human over a monster.
Chapter 10 * Jethro
All it takes is for one of us to be brave enough to turn on the light.
ditto, Jethro
Chapter 10 * Jethro
There's darkness inside all of us. Some of us let it rule us. Some of us let it destroy us. And some of us rise to the challenge and fight it. All it takes is for that one person to believe that they're worthy. That we won't bow to poverty or hate or greed. That our life can be better than the shadows we let creep over it.
Chapter 5 * Nila
"...I swear to love you forever. You are no longer indebted to me. I'm indebted to you. My heart is in your debt. My happiness. My very life is yours."
This, Jethro..
Chapter 6 * Nila
"You're the sunbeam to my black diamond."
Chapter 6 * Nila
"My destiny might've been to kill you, but I've rewritten fate. Now, I'm going to do everything in my power to make you immortal."
This, Jethro.. Again..