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İşığın Oyunu

Stephen Smoke

İşığın Oyunu Hakkında

İşığın Oyunu konusu, istatistikler, fiyatları ve daha fazlası burada.


Valeri Tirel – San-Fransiskodan olan varlı iş adamının gözəl dul arvadı, depressiyadan çıxmaq üçün, özəl detektiv Nik Sendzi muzdla tutur ki, o… Tanrını tapsın. Qəhrəmanların Amerikanın Qərbinə səyahəti onları tamamilə qeyri-adi insanlarla üzləşdirir. Nəticədə, dünyanı görməyin yeni təcrübəsi ilə zənginləşmiş Valeri və Nik Kainatla harmonik əlaqə qurmaq qabiliyyəti əldə edirlər.
Elxan Rzayev
Elxan Rzayev
Tahmini Okuma Süresi: 7 sa. 29 dk.Sayfa Sayısı: 264Basım Tarihi: 2017İlk Yayın Tarihi: Kasım 2012Yayınevi: Kitab Klubu NəşriyyatıOrijinal Adı: Trick of the Light: In Search of the Holy Hologram (The Quantum Detective)
ISBN: 9789952825268Ülke: AzerbaijanDil: AzericeFormat: Karton kapak

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Yazar Hakkında

Stephen Smoke
Stephen SmokeYazar · 1 kitap
An accomplished novelist, screenwriter, musician, and businessman, Stephen Smoke successfully navigates the worlds of art and business. He is the author of 30 published books (20 novels), including Black Butterfly (HarperCollins), Pacific Coast Highway (HarperCollins), Pacific Blues (HarperCollins), and The Prince of Palos Verdes (White Lighthouse Books), Cathedral of the Senses, and I, Walt Whitman (summer 2012 release) under his own and other names. In 2011 he wrote and published the first novel with its own embedded soundtrack (Cathedral of the Senses; for the iPad). During the summer of 2012 Stephen will publish two other embedded soundtrack multimedia novels (Trick of the Light, which was originally published in 1989, and I, Walt Whitman). Besides becoming the first novelist to write and embed a soundtrack in his novel, Stephen will soon become the only author in the world to have published three embedded soundtrack, mulitimedia novels. He has also written and directed feature films, including “Street Crimes” (starring Dennis Farina) and “Final Impact,” and has written screenplays for others, including “Magic Kid.” He founded and published Mystery Magazine, and published the first online mystery magazine (Hamilton Caine’s Mystery Digest, on CompuServe). Mr. Smoke is also a published songwriter, and recorded an album (in support of his novel, Trick of the Light) on which several well-known musicians, including Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member, Garth Hudson (the keyboard player in Bob Dylan’s backup band, The Band), played on various tracks. He is also a member of ASCAP and regularly collects royalties for music he has written for feature films. He occasionally performs “Storyteller Concerts,” during which he plays songs from his books, explaining the context in which the songs were written and how they pertain to the novels.