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Hermann Broch's Letters to His Son, 1925-1928

Lost Son

Hermann Broch

Lost Son Hakkında

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By any measure, Hermann Broch was one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century. Author of The Sleepwalkers and The Spell, he stands, together with James Joyce and Marcel Proust, at the pinnacle of literary Modernism. Born in 1886, he saw the First World War destroy the culture and consciousness of what had come before, seeing the West thrust unwillingly into the modern age. By 1938 Broch found himself arrested and detained, during which time be began work on his greatest novel, The Death of Virgil. Dozens of friends from all over the world managed to help him find his release and he moved to the United States where he lived for the rest of his life. With his wife Franziska, Broch had only a single child, Armand. While Broch had become preoccupied with deep questions of philosophy, psychology, and politics, his son became a thoroughgoing materialist. Sent away to an elite boarding school when 14, Armand found himself surrounded by students from the richest families in Europe. He became devoted to sports, to fast luxury cars (his father did not even know how to drive), and to the first class lifestyle of his classmates. These letters show the profound breach that developed between father and son. They also provide a portrait of the Gilded Age, a time of remarkable change, as Europe headed on a course of horrible inevitability. Letters from Broch during this time are uncommon, so we also get a chance to follow the trajectory of his life as he prepares to leave his job as an industrialist and devote himself to study and to writing.
Basım Tarihi: Aralık 2012Yayınevi: Counterpoint
ISBN: 9781582437477Dil: İngilizceFormat: Ciltli

Yazar Hakkında

Hermann Broch
Hermann BrochYazar · 9 kitap
1 Kasım 1886'da Viyana'da doğdu. Babasının isteği üzerine aldığı mesleki eğitimini, 1907'de tekstil mühendisi olarak tamamladı. İlk edebi yayınının tarihi 1913'tür. 1927'ye kadar babasının fabrikasında yöneticilik yaptı. Fabrikayı satıp matematik, felsefe ve psikoloji öğrenimi görmeye karar verdi. İlk romanı DieSchlafwandler yayımlandığında 45 yaşındaydı. 1938'de Avusturya'nın nasyonal-sosyalistlerce işgali esnasında Gestapo tarafından tutuklandı. James Joyce ve arkadaşlarının girişimi sayesinde ABD'ye iltica etti. Aynı yıl yazmaya başladığı Vergilius'un Ölümü 1945'te, bir başka önemli yapıtı DieSchuldlosen 1950'de yayımlandı. 30 Mayıs 1951'de New Haven'da öldü.