

1 üye
Ruhlarımız milyonlarca farklı şekle girebilir. Bir aslan ya da karahindiba, bir bitki ya da bir insan olabiliriz. Bir insan formu almışsak, her renkte, her ırkta ve her cinsiyette olabiliriz. Hangi formu seçersek seçelim, yüzeyin altında hepimiz aynıyız. Hepimiz bağlıyız; hepimiz aynı madde ve enerjiden yaratıldık, aynı kaynaktan doğduk, aynı spiritüel materyalden meydana geldik.
Sayfa 59 - Butik Yayıncılık, 1. Baskı, 2014
"It is power, this new virtue; it is a ruling thought and around it a wise soul: a golden sun and around it the snake of knowledge."
On the Bestowing VirtueKitabı okuyor
“'Body am I and soul' – so speaks a child. And why should one not speak like children? But the awakened, the knowing one says: body am I through and through, and nothing besides; and soul is just a word for something on the body."
On the Despisers of the BodyKitabı okuyor
"My ego taught me a new pride, I teach it to mankind: no longer bury your head in the sand of heavenly things, but bear it freely instead, an earthly head that creates a meaning for the earth!"
On the HinterworldlyKitabı okuyor
"Hear my brothers, hear the voice of the healthy body: a more honest and purer voice is this. More honestly and more purely speaks the healthy body, the perfect and perpendicular body, and it speaks of the meaning of the earth."
On the HinterworldlyKitabı okuyor
"Human being is something that must be overcome."
On the Passions of Pleasure and PainKitabı okuyor
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