
Now imagine someone coming along and saying something that challenges and unravels the threads of your identity, and how that might make you feel. This is where people can become defensive. Rewiring our toxic and self-destructive patterns isn’t supposed to be comfortable, but the more open-minded and aware you are to the fact that we all perceive and live different realities, because our fabrics have been woven differently, the easier it becomes to grow, empathize, evolve (and reweave your fabric) with ease and self-awareness.
Patriarchy hates progressive conversations and disruptive people because it’s a parasite that feeds on silence and fear – just as rape culture relies on the silencing of its victims.
You do not have to shrink yourself down to make others feel better about themselves. Stop surrounding yourself with people who make you question your worth, and fill your life instead with people who choose to remind you of it – while simultaneously holding you accountable when you mess up. Both these things are acts of love.

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
Being empathic and able to truly feel so intensely is a gift, a talent, and something that people strive for.
As you outgrow the people in your life and embark on your journey of self-development, you’ll see sides of them that you never did before. You might even feel guilty for outgrowing them and believe them when they tell you that you’ve “taken it too far” or that you’re being “too sensitive”. But remember that anyone who tells you you’re “too” anything is using the word because they are threatened by your capacity to grow, evolve and express your emotions. They want you to stay down there, with them – emotionally and morally stunted. You are a mirror reflecting back to them the parts of themselves that they know they’re lacking . While this explains their behaviour, it does not excuse it.
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