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560 syf.
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Being perfectly thrilled by the re-imagining of the Foundation series on TV, being one that flatters and holds the spirit of the original stories, I was utterly compelled to re-read the entire series, including the Second Foundation trilogy by other authors, in chronological order. This was, fortunately, an easy decision. I loved the series when I first read them, years ago. Indeed, the original trilogy of Foundation was one of the cornerstones of my love of SF. So jumping in like this just required that one tiny push. First of all, I should mention that Prelude to Foundation is an easygoing adventure-type novel that is utter candy. It gives us the earliest foundation of Hari Seldon's Psychohistory. Is it truly important to read in order to enjoy the original trilogy? Nope. Does it help fill in tons of gaps and expand a grand story in a useful and entertaining prequel? Yes. And it also serves as a pretty awesome bridge to Asimov's other novels, from the Robot stories, including the Robot Novels, Empire novels, and various short stories. It is a lynchpin for anyone interested in enjoying the broad, broad future history. But is it necessary? No. After all, it was the sixth book written in the Foundation universe. If you know the secrets of the Foundation, this will merely broaden your enjoyment. If you have never read the original classics, I don't know if this would be the truly proper place to begin them. But what do I know? Chronological DOES have its place in the universe. Just check the math.
Vakıf Kurulurken
Vakıf KurulurkenIsaac Asimov · İthaki Yayınları · 2021784 okunma
488 syf.
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Forward the Foundation is a novel by American writer Isaac Asimov, published posthumously in 1993. Continues the chronicles of the life of Hari Seldon, first begun in Prelude to Foundation. The story takes place on Trantor, and begins eight years after the events of Prelude to Foundation. It depicts how Seldon develops his theory of psychohistory from hypothetical concept to practical application. In the latter years of the reign of Emperor Cleon I, Seldon is dragged into the world of galactic politics as Cleon's somewhat unwilling First Minister, after the resignation of his predecessor, Eto Demerzel (whom Seldon knows as the robot R. Daneel Olivaw). After the Emperor is assassinated, a military junta takes over for a disastrous decade. Seldon steps down from his government position and resumes leadership of the psychohistory project. ...
Vakıf İleri
Vakıf İleriIsaac Asimov · İthaki Yayınları · 2021676 okunma
304 syf.
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The Foundation series is a science fiction book series written by Russian American author Isaac Asimov. For nearly thirty years, the series was a trilogy: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, and Second Foundation. It won the one-time Hugo Award for "Best All-Time Series" in 1966. Asimov began adding to the series in 1981, with two sequels: Foundation's Edge, Foundation and Earth, and two prequels: Prelude to Foundation, Forward the Foundation. The additions made reference to events in Asimov's Robot and Empire series, indicating that they were also set in the same fictional universe.
VakıfIsaac Asimov · İthaki Yayınları · 20173,331 okunma
546 syf.
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At the beginning of this year part of my vague reading plan was to reread the original Foundation Trilogy then move on to the subsequent unread Foundation books that Asimov wrote during the 80s, 30 years after the last book of the trilogy, Second Foundation. I never got around to reading these later volumes for reasons that I already explained in
Vakıf ve Dünya
Vakıf ve DünyaIsaac Asimov · İthaki Yayınları · 2021787 okunma
Şahidim Sana
Şahidim Sana Ellerini, sesini, nefesini, Arıyorum.. Bitmeyen gündüzlerde.. Ve.. ve.. Üşüdüğüm gecelerde Biz.. ayrı değiliz, hayır! Biliyorum çünkü Her şeyden önce Ben.. seni.. çok.. Belki zamanın başka dilimdesin Ya da varlığın başka boyutunda Sadece varsın Tüm kalbimle şahidim sana Müzik: Ludovico Einaudi-The Earth Prelude open.spotify.com/track/6qFJBjIf3...
Güzel sanatlarla acılarını avutan avanaklara ne buyrulur? Zavallı amcam öldüğü zaman Chepin'in Prelude'leri bana acımı öyşe unutturdu ki diyen Bigeois halam gibi. Konser salonları; gözlerini kapayarak, solgun yüzlerini alıcı anten haline getiren bu ezik, bu tarihin sillesini yemiş kimselerle ağzına kadar doludur. Yakaladıkları seslerin tatlı ve besteleyici bir halle içlerine aktığını düşünürler. Acılarının, tıpkı genç Werther'in acıları gibi, müzik haline girdiğini sanırlar. Güzelliğin yaralarını sardığına inanırlar. İnekler.
William Wordsworth üzerine bir inceleme;
Ünlü ingiliz şair, Coleridge ile beraber ingiliz edebiyatının romantik dönemini başlatmıştır. Coleridge ile beraber 1798’de “Lyrical Ballads” isimli kitabı yayınlamıştır. Coleridge ile birlikte yazdığı “Lirik Baladlar” resmi olarak romantik akımı başlatır. Tarih içerisinde yazdıkları çevrilmesi anlamsız, belki de olanaksız yazın adamlardan
When we suffer the painful loss of an idealized self-image, what’s left—at least immediately—isn’t necessarily “the truth” but emptiness and confusion. It’s a terrible slump. Or, as Wordsworth put it in The Prelude , “a sense of treachery and desertion in the place / The holiest that I knew of—my own soul.”
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