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Andrew Heywood

Andrew HeywoodSiyaset yazarı
159 Kişi

En Eski Andrew Heywood Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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İktidar yozlaşır, mutlak iktidar mutlaka yozlaşır.
Lord ActonKitabı okudu
"En iyi yönetim hiç yönetmeyendir"
Sayfa 47 - Sivil itaatsizlikKitabı okudu
Siyasi Kültür,Iletisim ve Meşruiyet
En güçlü olan , gücün kendisi olmazsa ve itaat görev olmazsa asla yeterince güçlü değildir
Sayfa 263 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau -Toplumsal SözleşmeKitabı okudu
Siyasi İdeolojiler
"Filozoflar çeşitli şekillerde sadece dünyayı yorumladılar ; oysa mesele onu değiştirmektir."
Sayfa 69 - Karl Marx , Feubach Üzerine Tezler (1845)Kitabı okudu
Weber distinguished between three kinds of authority, based on the different grounds on which obedience can be established: traditional authority is rooted in history; charismatic authority stems from personality; and legal-rational authority is grounded in a set of impersonal rules.
Sayfa 4 - Politics, 4th editionKitabı okudu
To portray politics as an essentially state-bound activity is to ignore the increasingly important international or global influences on modern life.
Sayfa 4 - Politics, 4th editionKitabı okudu
Lord Acton
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Sayfa 5 - Politics, 4th editionKitabı okudu
Bernard Crick
"Politics [is] the activity by which differing interests within a given unit of rule are conciliated by giving them a share in power in proportion to their importance to the welfare and the survival of the whole community."
Sayfa 8 - Politics, 4th editionKitabı okudu
"Politics is designed to disappoint."
Sayfa 9 - Politics, 4th editionKitabı okudu
"Politics is the most concentrated form of economics."
Sayfa 10 - LeninKitabı okudu
The most influential feature of the radical feminist critique of conventional view of politics is that it emphasizes that politics takes place not only in the public sphere but also, and more significantly, in the private sphere. (...) If, from this perspective, women are going to challenge patriarchal oppression, they must start with 'the personal', instead of primarily addressing problems such as the under-representation of women in senior positions in public life, they should focus on their underlying cause: the contrasting stereotypes of 'masculinity' and 'femininity' that are nurtured within the family and which accustom men to domination and encourage women to accept subordination.
Political institutions are no longer equated with political organizations, they are thought of not as 'things' but as sets of 'rules', which guide or constrain the behaviour of individual actors. These rules, moreover, are as likely to be informal as formal, policy-making process sometimes being shaped more by unwritten conventions or understandings than by formal arrangements. Apart from anything else, this can help to explain why institutions are often difficult to reform, transform or replace.
The simple point is that facts do not speak for themselves: they must be interpreted, and they must be organized.
According to Kuhn, the natural sciences are dominated at any time by a single paradigm; science develops through a series of 'revolutions' in which an old paradigm is replaced by a new one. Political and social enquiry is, however, different, in that it is a battleground of contending and competing paradigms. These paradigms take the form of broad social philosophies, usually called 'political ideologies': liberalism, conservatism, socialism, fascism, feminism and so on. Each presents its own account of social existence; each offers a particular view of the world. To portray these ideologies as theoretical paradigms is not, of course, to say the most, if not all, political analysis is narrowly ideological, in the sense that it advances the interests of a particular group or class. Rather, it merely acknowledges that political analysis is usually carried out on the basis of a particular ideological tradition. Much of academic political science, for example, has been constructed according to liberal-rationalist assumptions, and thus bears the imprint of its liberal heritage.
The term 'ideology' was coined in 1796 by the French philosopher Destutt de Tracy. He used it to refer to a new 'science of ideas' (literally, idea-ology) that set out to uncover the origins of conscious thought and ideas. De Tracy's hope was that ideology would eventually enjoy the same status as established sciences such as zoology and biology.
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