Graeme Hunter

Pascal the Philosopher: An Introduction yazarı
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Sceptics and Ordinary Life
In their ordinary lives sceptics find themselves under the humiliating necessity of imitating the behaviour of the same simple dogmatists to whom they feel theoretically superior. Sceptics may be giants in argument, but ordinary life cuts them down to size.
Sayfa 18 - University of Toronto PressKitabı okudu
The Failure of Philosophy According to Pascal
That is the next point Pascal wants us to see. We must combine scepticism and dogmatism, of course, if we are to understand the historic meaning of philosophy, which has always involved sceptical inquiry into dogmatism on the one hand and dogmatic resistance to scepticism on the other. But according to Pascal, those two activities do not fit together, and any attempt to bring them together fails. In a word, he thinks philosophy fails.
Sayfa 24 - University of Toronto PressKitabı okudu
Like dense and featureless suburbs surrounding a charming town, endless tracts of scholarship prevent rather than facilitate access to a text.
Sayfa 106 - University of Toronto PressKitabı okudu