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Maury Aaseng

Maury AasengBeginning Watercolor yazarı
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131 syf.
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Beginning Watercolor
It is a first step book to begin watercolor. There are a lot of information about watercolor painting: brush types, beyond brushes (using salt, spray bottles, masking fluid, palette, paper towel, toothbrush, plastic wrap, and even a sponge for creating distinct impressions), color schemes and also building techniques step by step so that one can learn watercolor from scratch to painting landscape or human body. When I first started to learn the watercolor painting, I began noticing the color transitions, delicate details that were there all the time but I haven't seen any of them. As I come to understand; to see things in detail, one should draw.
Beginning Watercolor
Beginning WatercolorMaury Aaseng · 20162 okunma
If any areas look too dark, brush clean water on them, and use paper towel to remove pigment. The natural flow of pigment into water creates interesting, pleasing, and irregular textures and shapes.
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Mix colors like "sepia" and "indigo" to create a rich black.
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Drawing hands
Before trying to capture the variety of shades and colors found in skin tones, practice using one color or a mixture of colors. This allows you to focus on building up a range of values without being distracted by color possibilities.
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Watercolor often works best for creating impressions instead of capturing all of the details that a photograph might.
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Adding land gives the eye something to gravitate toward. Distant items should be less detailed and can take on some of the sky's colors.
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It is often best to start with the objects in the distance and continue to move closer. To create the illusion of distance, work from light to dark.
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The farther away an object is, the more it can share the same color as the sky.
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Painting the entire tree in one color and adding another color in the center while the first remains wet creates a dark center and a glowing outer edge.
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Determine the light direction before adding highlights or shadows to a painting.
Before adding pigment to certain areas like inside the leaves, partially wet those spots so the colors mix naturally.
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Positive & Negative Space
Positive space painting involves painting the form of the object or subject matter, and negative space painting means painting the area surrounding the form or subject matter.
When you add salt to a painting, it bleaches the paint by drawing the pigment toward the crystals, producing feathered, naturalistic textures. Add salt when the page remains wet but not dripping.
A synthetic flat brush creates a stroke with less texture. Water drips off the brush with less consistency than from a natural brush, which results in the brushstrokes randomly dispersing more or less pigment. With a natural-hair flat brush, the texture of the bristles is evident, and the pigment is released more uniformly.