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Shay McConnon

Shay McConnonConflict Management In The Workplace yazarı
1 Kişi

Shay McConnon Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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"A good relationship requires mutual understanding and acceptance, not always agreement."
Sayfa 107Kitabı okudu
"Feelings follow on from your thoughts. Change your thinking if you want to change your feelings."
"When a minor incident erupts into a major row, there is likely to be a deeper, more complex issue at stake."
Listening is KEY!
"Listen without interrupting, arguing or disagreeing. Accept what they say as their reality. It is their perception, it is valid for them while it may not coincide with your perception."
"Create an atmosphere in which everyone feels that something can be gained, i.e. everyone is a winner."
What you choose to do today...
"Your future relationships are being shaped by your thoughts and behaviours of today. What you choose to do today affects what you will have tomorrow. Today and now are the places to start. Good luck!"
Sayfa 113Kitabı okudu
"People usually do the best they can with the resources they have." NLP presupposition
Sayfa 109Kitabı okudu
talk about your anger
"Anger that is not dealt with can turn inwards and leak out in resentment, bitterness, withdrawal and depression. Suppressed negative feelings can damage your health."
conflict makers
"You are creating conflict if you are imposing your values on others, denying them, their needs. Others are creating conflict if they are imposing their values on you, denying you, your needs."
4 Personality Types of Dr. Carl Jung
"Mike feels good when he can achieve, Sarah needs to care, Fiona is driven to get things right and Darren seeks variety. Each has strengths and these strengths can be experienced as weaknesses by other styles."
Your reality is not totality
"We all have slightly different views on the world. Our window on the world is filtered by our early experiences, beliefs and memories. These filters allow us to deal with the two million bits of information that we are exposed to at any one moment. It is impossible to process all this data. So we delete, distort and generalise the incoming information. However, many of us believe that the way we experience the world is the way it is. It is your unique view … it is the truth for you. Others will have a different view. Their truth, while being different from yours, is right for them."
Power with, not over
To share power does not mean giving up power. It can be like sharing the light of a candle. When you light another person’s candle, your light does not diminish. In fact there is more light for everyone.The enlightened approach to resolving conflict involves respect. Respect is about recognizing others as being different and accepting them with their differences. It happens when I am able to say You’re OK even though you have a different set of values and principles from me ... if I accept you for who you are rather than who I want you to be ... if I recognize that your needs, although different, are as important as mine.
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