The legend of the curse has it that a Necromancer fell in love with a princess and was rejected. The undead cursed the princess, making her flesh slowly wither away. The Necromancer said to the princess: “If you accept me, I will stop the curse.” However, the stubborn princess never relented and became a skeleton. The Necromancer then picked up the heart of the skeleton and said, sighing, “Finally, your heart is mine.”
The thoughts of other people have no real impact on you if you have a strong enough sense of self. Let me give you an example: Let’s say you had a great childhood. You had a lot of friends that you considered great friends. They served as a foundation of your high self-image through school, and you went on to more success in college and in your
152 syf.
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19 günde okudu
Goodreadsten kopyala yapıştır yapıyorum maalesef çok uzun olduğu için çeviremedim. Spoiler içerir. Amazing book for people interested in Indian religions and enlightenment. The novel is structured on three of the traditional stages of life for Hindu males (student (brahmacharin), householder (grihastha) and recluse/renunciate (vanaprastha)) as
SiddharthaHermann Hesse · Can Yayınları · 202038,2bin okunma
if modern man seems mad in his obsession to control nature by technology, primitive man was no less obsessed by his own mystical technics of sacrifice. After all, one of the things we have learned from the modem study of mental illness is that to make the body the referent of the whole cosmos is a technique of madness. It is true that by institutionalizing macrocosmization, primitive man made it a normal way of referring oneself to transcendent events. But this kind of “normality” is itself unreal, it blows man up to an abnormal size, and so we are right to consider it self-defeating, a departure from the truth of the human condition.
The heated argument about the true essence of İslam is simply pointless. Islam has no fixed DNA. Islam is whatever Muslims make of it.
Rotten webtoon serisi
#rottenwebtoon #webtoonseries @webtoonofficial 10/10 Uzun bir aradan sonra okuduğum en iyi webtoon serilerinden bir tanesi olabilir. Kovid sürecinde sürekli webtoon okumaktan kitap okuyamadigim için webtoon okumaya ara vermiştim . geçen gün bakalım ne var diye bakınırken beklentisiz bu webtoonu keşfettim . Iyi ki keşfettim dedim . WEBTOON serisi toplamda 49 bölümden oluşmakta olup tamamlanan bir seridir . Mangayi okurken bir korku filmi izlerken hissetiginiz gerilim ürkme korkma gibi bir çok hissi fazlasıyla hissedeceksiniz . . Kesinlikle okuyun ... 👉👉👉 As a webtoon reader,it has been a while I haven't read some series bcuz I stopped reading some books as a result of immersing myself too much into it 😅in previous months . A couple of days ago while leafing through some pages on mobile app I dropped by this completed series and decided to give a chance . And what I read made me speechless. I haven't scared and thrilled as much as I read this if I compare it with some horror movies . everything was totally unexpected and scary for sure ... The series completed of 49chapters and it is pity that it requires daily pass. @webtoonofficial should be aware of the fact that it is really bad for readers to pay for completed series . I am glad that they let us read such a good series but they should let us read completed series without daily pass or money 💰. Anyway I highly recommend this series to #webtoon lovers
Another real-world manifestation of implicit memory is knows as the illusion-of-truth effect: you are more likely to believe that a statement is true if you have heard it before- whether or not it is actually true.
Sayfa 77 - e-kitapKitabı okudu
If you have seen a picture of someone's face before, you will judge them to be more attractive upon a later viewing. This is true even when you have no recollection of ever having seen them previously. This is known as the "mere exposure effect", and it illustrates the worrisome fact that your implicit memory influences your interpretation of the world- which things you like, don't like, and so on.
Sayfa 76 - e-kitapKitabı okudu
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