What do you hear when you hear the word feminism? It is a word that fills me with hope, with energy. It brings to mind loud acts of refusal and rebellion as well as the quiet ways we might have of not holding on to things that diminish us. It brings to mind women who have stood up, spoken back, risked lives, homes, relationships in the struggle for more bearable worlds. It brings to mind books written, tattered and worn, books that gave words to something, a feeling, a sense of an injustice, books that, in giving us words, gave us the strength to go on. Feminism: how we pick each other up. So much history in a word; so much it too has picked up.
“In a culture of domination everyone is socialized to see violence as an acceptable means of social control.”
120 syf.
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Top Girls and Feminism
It would be accurate to state that feminism is an umbrella term that has several different aspects within it. Matters are categorized mainly according to the position of women in society. The ideas have changed throughout the waves of feminism. The two familiar types of feminism which are bourgeois and socialist feminism have contrasting ideas
Top Girls
Top GirlsCaryl Churchill · Mitos Boyut Yayınları · 2020108 okunma
Feminizm Herkes İçindir
"Kimsenin kimseye hükmetmediği bir dünyada yaşadığımızı düşünün. Kadınlarla erkeklerin birbirine benzemediği ve hatta daima eşit de olmadığı; ama ilişkilerimizi şekillendiren yaşam felsefesinin karşılıklılık esası üzerine inşa edildiği bir dünyada yaşadığımızı düşünün. Her birimizin kendimiz olabildiğimiz bir dünyada, barış ve olanaklar dünyasında."
Feminism for me ,is the quiet kid in the corner of the classroom who doesn’t talk much. Benim için feminizim , sınıfın köşesindeki çok fazla konuşmayan sessiz çocuktur.
Akademik feminizm, toplumsal yapısalcılık sisi içinde kaybolmuştur.
Academic feminism is lost in a fog of social constructionism.
Pantheon BooksKitabı okudu
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