
The lord of sky stood bright against the fall of twilight and spoke: Hear me, blooded heirs of those proud men who ventured into the darkness to slay those monsters and kings past. I call you to a final agon to win your own lasting glory. Nine gods have betrayed me and now demand cruel revenge. For seven days at the turn of seven years will they walk as mortal so you men, and all your heirs henceforth, may break your own fated path and turn your thread of life to immortal gold. Reveal your strength and skills and I will reward you with the mantle and the deathless power of the god whose blood stains your bold blade. For this chance I ask much. Gather at the navel of the known world and begin your hunt when the day is born. So it shall be until that final day when one remains who is remade whole. Zeus at Olympia , translated by Kreon of the Odysseides
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