
As the number of functioning democracies across the world declines, and some flirt with authoritarianism, democratic leaders need to prove once again that they offer the most effective model of governance for dealing with the challenges of the twenty-first century. On most measures and in most domains, the US and its allies still stand at the top of the world league tables (if you exclude those small countries with exceptional wealth from natural resources). This is easy to forget, when the middle classes in America and many of its allies are struggling with the impacts of globalization and technological innovation, putting their social contracts under severe stress. Although the path is very difficult politically for each country, the keys to their rejuvenation at least lie in their hands, whether this involves upgrading their physical and digital infrastructure, delivering more sustainable energy, or reforming their education, health, pension and social care systems. One of their biggest new challenges is to manage the politics of apportioning and integrating the growing but much needed influx of young immigrants from the conflict-ridden and poorest countries in the Global South.
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