
“'We want to exact revenge and heap insult on all whose equals we are not' – thus vow the tarantula hearts. 'And ‘will to equality’ – that itself from now on shall be the name for virtue; and against everything that has power we shall raise our clamor!' You preachers of equality, the tyrant’s madness of impotence cries thus out of you for 'equality': your secret tyrant’s cravings mask themselves thus in your words of virtue! Aggrieved conceit, repressed envy, perhaps the conceit and envy of your fathers: it erupts from you like a flame and the madness of revenge. What is silent in the father learns to speak in the son; and often I found the son to be the father’s exposed secret. They resemble the inspired, but it is not the heart that inspires them – but revenge. And when they are refined and cold, it is not the spirit but envy that makes them refined and cold. Their jealousy even leads them along the thinkers’ path; and this is the mark of their jealousy – they always go too far, such that their exhaustion must ultimately lay itself to sleep in snow. From each of their laments revenge sounds, in each of their praisings there is harm, and being the judge is bliss to them. But thus I counsel you my friends: mistrust all in whom the drive to punish is strong! Those are people of bad kind and kin; in their faces the hangman and the bloodhound are visible. Mistrust all those who speak much of their justice! Indeed, their souls are lacking not only honey. And when they call themselves 'the good and the just,' then do not forget that all they lack to be pharisees is – power!"
On the TarantulasKitabı okuyor
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