thoughts of Kyle Hunter about his wife, Rai Sokolov
It's been over twenty-seven years since I met her, but she still looks as breathtaking as when I first laid eyes on her. Elegant, majestic, and brutally demanding of my attention. This woman hasn't only changed my perspective about life from feeling unwanted to accomplished, but she's also been by my side through everything. The good, the bad, and the disgustingly ugly. We don't only love each other, we literally complete one another in ways I find hard to describe.
When a woman gets out of a bad marriage, what does she get? Applause! Cheers, flowers, congratulations. Everyone is so proud of her for taking charge of her life and getting away from that awful beast. Friends throw parties, support groups gush all over her, self-esteem oozes from her pores. But what happens when a man decides to leave his wife? Just the opposite! Everyone rushes to the wife’s side. Overnight, a nice guy becomes a creep, a cheat, a crook. Judges punish you, friends desert you, the world condemns you. It doesn’t matter if your wife was the world’s worst woman – unbearable and loathsome. It simply doesn’t matter. It’s like this: When a woman wants out, she’s good; when a man wants out, he’s bad. ----- Bir kadın kötü bir evlilikten çıktığında eline ne geçer? Alkış! Şerefe, çiçekler, tebrikler. Hayatının sorumluluğunu üstlendiği ve o korkunç canavardan uzaklaştığı için herkes onunla gurur duyuyor. Arkadaşları partiler veriyor, destek grupları onun her yanından fışkırıyor, özgüveni gözeneklerinden sızıyor. Peki bir adam karısını terk etmeye karar verirse ne olur? Tam tersi! Herkes karısının yanına koşuyor. İyi bir adam bir gecede bir sürüngene, sahtekara, dolandırıcıya dönüşür. Yargıçlar seni cezalandırır, arkadaşların seni terk eder, dünya seni kınar. Karınızın dünyanın en kötü kadını, dayanılmaz ve iğrenç olması önemli değil. Bunun hiçbir önemi yok. Şöyle: Bir kadın çıkmak istediğinde iyidir; bir adam dışarı çıkmak istediğinde kötüdür.
-so…so I just can’t help him? + I didn’t say that. - H-how, then? + Well… there are lots of ways. You can be just there. To listen. To talk. To cheer him up if he’s having a bad day. And on the bad days… You can ask what you could do to make things easier. Standing by his side, even when things are hard. But also knowing that sometimes people need more support than just one person can give. That’s love, darling.
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“I didn’t know what right felt like until you,” he choked out. “I’m holding on to the good you give me. I’m holding on to you.” “I’m hanging on to you, too, Fox Thornton,” she murmured unevenly, her body propelled up the bed on his first drive, eyes glazing. “Never letting go.” “I’m in for the good, bad, and everything in between, Hannah.” He pressed his open mouth to the side of her neck and pushed deeper, deep enough, close enough to feel her breathe, and rejoiced in it. “Decades. A lifetime. I’m in.”
Yes, the films are strictly fictional and only loosely inspired by the lore, but the first Thor movie did a lovely job of presenting the complexities of Loki as an outsider in Asgard. He’s perpetually torn between his origins and the society which took him in, and consumed by the burning desire to just be accepted as equal, or recognized for what he can offer. Frustration mounts because he’s always being overlooked and cast to the side as inherently less worthy than, say, Thor. Even though he was brought into the fold by Óðinn himself he’s still regarded as the weird tag-a-long riding on Thor’s coat tails (er, cape?), which mirrors the lore pretty closely. He’s not inherently a bad guy, but circumstances push him past his breaking point and he starts making some pretty villainous choices, both on screen and in tales of old.
Sunny Side Down NOTHING. sitting in a cafe having breakfast. NOTHING. the waitress, and the people eating. the traffic runs by. doesn’t matter what Napoleon did, what Plato said. Turgenev could have been a fly. we are worn- down, hope stamped out. we reach for coffee cups like the robots about to replace us. courage at Salerno, bloodbaths on the
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