Ne Okusam?
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Gönderi Oluştur
Psychology is not a science, but only the hope of a science. (Psikoloji bir bilim değildir ancak bilim olmayı umar.)
William James
William James
That financial success is not a hard science. It’s a soft skill, where how you behave is more important than what you know.
What is what
"Science is, after all, the most complete renunciation of the pleasure principle of which our mental activity is capable"
"Every person is, in part, 'his own project' and makes himself." "Her insan kısmen 'kendi projesidir' ve kendini yaratır."
In rejecting this picture of first philosophy, and its assumption that philosophical knowledge can be obtained a priori, Quine conceives philosophy as broadly scientific, maintaining that all knowledge is a posteriori and that science is our best means of obtaining such knowledge. For Quine, philosophy and science are of a piece, and his naturalism can be regarded as scientistic in the best sense of that term.
Sayfa 5 - quine felsefe anlayışıKitabı okudu
Philosophy, understood as first philosophy, is different from science. It is a discipline that is methodologically prior to science and, through a priori reflection, fashions general truths that provide a foundation of justification for scientific inquiry itself. It is the “supra-scientific tribunal” for science.
Sayfa 4 - quine'ın felsefe/naturalism anlayışıKitabı okudu
According to the frugivory by-product hypothesis, the human penchant for drinking alcohol is not an adaptation but rather is a by-product of adaptive fondness for ripe fruit That is, all humans have adaptations that favor the consumption of ripe fruit, but these can go awry in the modern world of artificial drinks with high alcohol content. Indeed, alcoholism in the modern world is likely a maladaptive by-product of the overindulgence of these frugivorous adaptations. So the next time you reach for a drink, perhaps you’ll think of your primate ancestors having their version of a party—sitting around a tree eating ripe fruit. Frugivory yan ürün hipotezine göre, alkol içme tutkusu bir adaptasyon değil, olgun meyveye adaptif düşkünlüğün bir yan ürünüdür, yani, tüm insanlar olgun meyve tüketimini destekleyen adaptasyonlara sahiptir, ancak bunlar yüksek alkol içeriğine sahip yapay içeceklerin modern dünyasında ters gidebilir. Gerçekten de, modern dünyada alkolizm muhtemelen bu tutumlu adaptasyonların aşırı özeninin maladaptif bir yan ürünüdür. Bir dahaki sefere bir içkiye uzandığınızda, belki de primat atalarınızın olgun meyve yiyen bir ağacın etrafında oturan bir parti versiyonunu düşünürsünüz.
There is evidence that men have lower thresholds than women for inferring sexual intent. Knowledge of this mechanism, however, allows for the possibility of change. Men, for example, can be educated with the information that they have lower thresholds for inferring sexual intent when a woman smiles at them. This knowledge can then be used by men. Erkeklerin cinsel niyet çıkarımı yapmak için kadınlardan daha düşük eşiklere sahip olduğuna dair kanıtlar var. Bununla birlikte, bu mekanizmanın bilgisi, değişim olasılığına izin verir. Örneğin erkekler, bir kadın onlara gülümsediğinde cinsel niyeti anlamak için daha düşük eşiklere sahip oldukları bilgisi ile eğitilebilir. Bu bilgi daha sonra erkekler tarafından kullanılabilir.
Naïve empiricism is guided by implicit assumptions that psychologists hold, including the idea that empirical research is mirroring an outside world, that studies can be conducted minimizing bias, without preconceived notions or values, or that methodology is neutral. Paradoxically, “soft positivist” philosophers of science understood that empirical research is theory-laden.
Sayfa 105 - boom roastedKitabı okudu
The field of artificial intelligence is quite large and merges with other subjects such as psychology, neurology, mathematics, linguistics, and electrical and mechanical engineering.
Sayfa 477Kitabı okudu
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