Dollars, #3


Pepper Winters

Hundreds Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Hundreds sözleri ve alıntılarını, Hundreds kitap alıntılarını, Hundreds en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Chapter Twenty-One
She moved like the ocean I loved. Like a river tumbling over pebbles, cashmere and velvet, never splashing, never breaking, journeying somewhere new.
Chapter Twenty-Two
He was gravity. He was the moon, and I was the ocean, and together we couldn't look away for a moment.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Elder was my right, but I was his wrong. As I healed, he succumbed. As I got better, he got worse.
Chapter Sixteen
The unsaid things. The secrets. The bargains. The dangerous need growing quickly past controllable. We were on opposite ends of the scales. He couldn’t let himself go because he would go past sanity. And I couldn’t let myself go because I honestly didn’t know how to be a woman who wanted a man’s touch and not want to scream and die at the same time.
imkansızlığınıza mı aşık oluyorum ben sizin, bilmiyorum.. ama bence ben her şeyinize aşık oldum.
Bütün ilişkiler karşılıklı verme ve alma üzerine kurulu değil miydi? Sevgiden verdik ve bencillikten aldık.
"You got inside my heart before you got inside my head, and it's tearing me fucking apart."