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Karanlığı Taramak

Philip K. Dick

Karanlığı Taramak Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Karanlığı Taramak sözleri ve alıntılarını, Karanlığı Taramak kitap alıntılarını, Karanlığı Taramak en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Eğer ölü bir insanın içinden dışarı baksaydın yine de görebilirdin, ama göz kaslarını çalıştıramadığın için odaklayamazdın. Başını veya göz kürelerini çeviremezdin. Bütün yapabileceğin, görüş alanından bir şey geçene kadar beklemek olurdu. Donup kalırdın. Devamlı beklerdin. Berbat bir sahne olurdu.
At the wheel of his slow car, Bob Arctor forgot theoretical matters and did a rerun of a moment that had impressed them all: the dainty and elegant straight girl in her turtleneck sweater and bell-bottoms who wanted them to murder a great harmless bug that in fact did good by wiping out mosquitoes—and in a year in which an outbreak of encephalitis had been anticipated in Orange County—and when they saw what it was and explained, she had said words that became for them their parody evil-wall-motto, to be feared and despised: IF I HAD KNOWN IT WAS HARMLESS I WOULD HAVE KILLED IT MYSELF.
The most dangerous kind of person is one who is afraid of his own shadow.
Bu romanı yazmak da, okumak da kalbimi burktu... onun bir başyapıt olduğuna inanıyorum. Sanıyorum bu benim yazacağım tek başyapıt... komik bölümleri, yazılmış olanların en komikleri, üzücü bölümleri ise tüm yazılanların en üzücüleriydi ve hepsi aynı kitapta toplandı!
Kitap Oku ve Kaç!
Ben bu dünyayı değiştiremeyeceğimi biliyordum; o yüzden başka dünyalara gittim.
“This guy appeared on TV claiming to be a world-famous impostor. He had posed at one time or another, he told the interviewer, as a great surgeon at Johns Hopkins Medical College, a Finnish novelist who’d won the Nobel Prize in literature, as a deposed president of Argentina married to—” “And he got away with all that?” Arctor asked. “He never got caught?” “The guy never posed as any of those. He never posed as anything but a world-famous impostor. That came out later in the L.A. Times—they checked up. The guy pushed a broom at Disneyland, or had until he read this autobiography about this world-famous impostor—there really was one—and he said, ‘Hell, I can pose as all those exotic dudes and get away with it like he did,’ and then he decided, ‘Hell, why do that; I’ll just pose as another impostor.’ He made a lot of bread that way, the Times said. Almost as much as the real world-famous impostor. And he said it was a lot easier.”
Behold, I tell you the sacred secret now: we shall not all sleep in death.
That’s what it means to die, to not be able to stop looking at whatever’s in front of you. Some darn thing placed directly there, with nothing you can do about it such as selecting anything or changing anything. You can only accept what’s put there as it is.
Asla emin olmazsın.Şaşırtmacanın üzerinde şaşırtmacalar vardır. Üst üste yığılı katmanlar halinde.
Sayfa 241Kitabı okudu
Tozların içinde sürünen o solucana benziyorum, Tozun içinde yaşayan, tozla beslenen. Ta ki gelip geçen birinin ayağı onu ezene kadar
Sayfa 251Kitabı okudu
Drug misuse is not a disease, it is a decision, like the decision to step out in front of a moving car. You would call that not a disease but an error in judgment. When a bunch of people begin to do it, it is a social error, a life-style. In this particular life-style the motto is “Be happy now because tomorrow you are dying,” but the dying begins almost at once, and the happiness is a memory.
A person can die and still go on. Sometimes what looks out at you from a person’s eyes maybe died back in childhood. What’s dead in there still looks out. It’s not just the body looking at you with nothing in it; there’s still something in there but it died and just keeps on looking and looking; it can’t stop looking.
It doesn’t matter what a person does; it’s that he gets so he can do it right and be proud of it.
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