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Philosophy 101

Paul Kleinman

Philosophy 101 Gönderileri

Philosophy 101 kitaplarını, Philosophy 101 sözleri ve alıntılarını, Philosophy 101 yazarlarını, Philosophy 101 yorumları ve incelemelerini 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
To Sartre, the inherent freedom of consciousness is both a gift and a curse. While freedom can allow one to make a change and shape his life, there is also a responsibility that comes along with it.
Sartre believed that all individuals have an essential freedom and that people are responsible for their actions, their consciousness, and all aspects of their self. Even if an individual wishes not to be held responsible for himself, according to Sartre, that is a conscious decision, and he is responsible for the results of his inaction. Based on this notion, Sartre explains that ethics and morals are subjective and related to an individual’s conscience. Therefore, there could never be any type of universal ethics or morality.
Pleasure and pain are the only important elements of the specific phenomena the theories describe.
Parts of ourselves change as the years go by, and yet we still consider ourselves to be the same person.
Aristotle comes to realize that happiness is the ultimate and final good and that people pursue good things in order to achieve happiness.
While there are some very famous Christian and Jewis philosophers who use existentialist themes in their work, on the whole, existentialism is commonly associated with atheism.
The only way to have meaning and value is through making choices and taking responsibility.
The 1999 blockbuster movie The Matrix is loosely based on Plato's Allegory of the Cave.
The roots of Western philosophy can be found in the work of Greek philosophers during the fifth and sixth centuries.
289 syf.
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I usually strive to read book in order to improve my both reading and writing skill, but sometimes finding a book which is close to academic level can be difficult. Nevertheless, this book is appropriate for people who want to develop their english skills. That is because, unlike some books which are very detailed, Philosophy 101 is both brief and explanatory. Therefore, without getting bored, you can read this book with ease. Furthermore, it begins with pre-socratic era, and continue with some scholars such as Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Russell, Sartre, Nietzsche and so on. Even though this book mention about these people' lives, also author clarify some complicated theories which are related to philosophy. However, I found this book in bibliopole because we can not purchase this book on Internet. Besides this, there are a lot of books that are related distinct subjects like World History, Mythology, and Religion. Of course they was published in the same publishing house as a crash course, but we can only buy through Amazon at a high cost. In brief, when you come across with these type of books, never miss them. (If you notice my grammar mistakes, you can warn me.)
Philosophy 101
Philosophy 101Paul Kleinman · Adams Media · 2013957 okunma
"İnsan özgür olmaya mahkumdur; çünkü dünyaya fırlatıldığı anda, yaptığı her şeyden sorumludur." - Jean Paul Sartre
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