A Philosophy of Education Based on the Principles of Ayn Rand's Objectivism

Teaching Johnny to Think

Leonard Peikoff

Teaching Johnny to Think Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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This is in complete contrast to today's climate of skepticism, agnos ticism, and relativism: "The more I learn, the less I know." "Nobody can know anything." "Everything is changing." Besides being philosophically wrong, this notion is lethal to thought. Why think at all, if the more you learn, the less you know? You may as well quit while you are ahead, with blissful ignorance. There is no motivation to think, if you can't acquire knowledge by it. How can you think, if there is no method of thought? The educational establishment has turned skepticism-the view that you can't have knowledge-into a religion. They proselytize for this religion in school systematically, in a way that makes an old-fashioned religious fundamentalist seem to be fair-minded, impartial, and rational by contrast. These zealots of skepticism openly say that their purpose is to inculcate confusion and doubt. One of their chief methods is to present conceptual material out of order, so that there is no way for students to decide what the conclusions are (as in the nuclear situation). They cannot judge or know, and so they inevitably come to the conclusion that it is all a matter of opinion; nobody can know anything. If I had to name a recruiting method for skeptics, it would be teaching children by the anti-hierarchical method. The purported theory behind this practice is that when individuals are convinced of how little they know, they will be stimulated to search for knowledge.
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