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The Problems of Philosophy

Bertrand Russell

The Problems of Philosophy Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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Let us give the name of 'sense-data' to the things that are immediately known in sensation: such things as colours, sounds, smells, hardnesses, roughnesses, and so on. We shall give the name 'sensation' to the experience of being immediately aware of these things. Thus, whenever we see a colour, we have a sensation of the colour, but the colour itself is a sense-datum, not a sensation.
IS there any knowledge in the world which is so certain that no reasonable man could doubt it?
Sayfa 5 - müthiş bir başlangıçKitabı okudu
But if the reality is not what appears, have we any means of knowing whether there is any reality at all?
Sayfa 7
Similar difficulties arise when we consider the sense of touch. It is true that the table always gives us a sensation of hardness, and we feel that it resists pressure. But the sensation we obtain depends upon how hard we press the table and also upon what part of the body we press with; thus the various sensations due to various pressures or various parts of the body cannot be supposed to reveal directly any definite property of the table, but at most to be signs of some property which perhaps causes all the sensations, but is not actually apparent in any of them. And the same applies still more obviously to the sounds which can be elicited by rapping the table.
He admits that there must be something which continues to exist when we go out of the room or shut our eyes, and that what we call seeing the table does really give us reason for believing in something which persists even when we are not seeing it.
Sayfa 6
Philosophy should show us the hierarchy of our instinctive beliefs, beginning with those we hold most strongly, and presenting each as much isolated and as free from irrelevant additions as possible.
Sayfa 12
Nature of matter
It is sometimes said that 'light is a form of wave-motion', but this is misleading, for the light which we immediately see, which we know directly by means of our senses, is not a form of wave-motion, but something quite different ... When it is said that light is waves, what is really meant is that waves are the physical cause of our sensations of light.
Sayfa 13
Similar difficulties arise when we consider the sense of touch. It is true that the tablealways gives us a sensation of hardness, and we feel that it resists pressure. But thesensation we obtain depends uponhow hard we press the table and also upon what part ofthe body we press with; thus the various sensations due to various pressures or variousparts of the body cannot be supposed to reveal directly any definite property of the table,but at most to be signs of some property which perhaps causes all the sensations, but isnot actually apparent in any of them. And the same applies still more obviously to thesounds which can be elicited by rapping the table. (Dokunma duyusunu ele aldigmizda da benzer gugluklerortaya cikar. Masanin bize her zaman bir kaulik duyumu ver-digi dogrudur, onun basinca direndigni duyariz. Faka eldeettigimiz duyum, masaya ne kadar sert bastuird gmiza ve be-denimizin hangi bolimuyle basurdigmza bagld; bu dr-da, turlu basinglara ya da bedenin turlu bolumlerine bagliolan turli duyumlann, masanin herhangi bir ozelligini dogru-dan belittigi kabul edilemez, bunlar olsa olsa, belki duyum-lann nedeni olan, fakat bu duyumlardan hicbirinde bulun-mayan bir zelligin belirtileri olabilir. Ayn seylr matiklatarak elde edilen sese, daha belirgin bigimde uygulanabi-lir.)
In one sense it must be admitted that we can never prove the existence of things other than ourselves and our experiences. No logical absurdity results from the hypothsis that the world consists of myself and my thoughts and feelings and sensations, and that everything else is mere fancy
Sayfa 10
When I look at my table and see a certain brown colour, what is quite certain at once is not 'I am seeing a brown colour', but rather, 'a brown colour is being seen'.
Sayfa 9
*** Her zaman olan şeydir, insanlar doğru bir şeye inanırlar, bu inanç onlarda bir parça sezgisel bilgiden doğmuştur, bu bilgiden sağlamca çıkarılabilir fakat gerçekte hiçbir mantıksal süreç sonucu çıkarılmış değildir. ***
Sayfa 107 - Kabalcı YayınlarıKitabı okudu
***** Dünyada mantıklı düşünen hiç kimsenin şüphe duymayacağı kadar kesin doğrulukta bir bilgi var mıdır? İlk bakışta pek de zor görünmeyen bu soru, gerçekte sorulabilecek en zor sorulardan biridir. *****
Sayfa 9 - Kabalcı YayınlarıKitabı okudu
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