376 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
32 saatte okudu
"Dönüş yolunu bulabilecek misin?" "Sana dönen yolu, her zaman." "Sen iyi misin?" "Olacağım, sen bana döndüğünde." "Kimi seveceğimizi seçebileceğimizi sanmak bir yanılsama. Seninle ilgili hislerimi değiştiremem. Seninle birlikte olmak için gerekirse güneşi ve ayı yerinden oynatabilirim."
Şafağı Ör
Şafağı ÖrElizabeth Lim · Yabancı Yayınları · 2021888 okunma
246 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
inspiring and convincing
I thought such books are just doing emotional manipulation and they are far from real life. But now I really find this book as a guide book or Bible for managing your business. I also believe the principles in the book might be applicable to managing business or personal life. Below you will find the parts I underlined in the book while
TractionGino Wickman · BenBella Books · 20121 okunma
304 syf.
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The only way to learn is to live” Fuck, this book hit me so hard. I finished this book a few days ago and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. It has one of my favorite themes or tropes in a book, where we follow a main character who at the beginning of the story is very depressed and possible suicidal and doesn't see the point of life, but then slowly throughout the story begins to build an admiration toward humanity and life. This book was so beautifully written and I love the way this book asks the question: what is the best way to live? “Between life and death there is a library, and within that library, the shelves go on forever. Every book provides a chance to try another life you could have lived. To see how things would be if you had made other choices… Would you have done anything different, if you had the chance to undo your regrets?” It's a really cool concept, that between life and death you enter the midnight library, where you get the opportunity to see how your life would've been different had you made different decisions. I think a lot about this, what my life would be like had I made different choices and wondering if I'm the happiest version of myself? This book forces you to ask hard questions, like what makes a life worth living? And are your dreams for yourself really something you want? I love the way this book talks about regrets and how most of the time our regrets are a load of bullshit of things that are out of our control and they are causing a major burden on our life. “A person was like a city. You couldn't let a few less desirable parts put you off the whole. There may be bits you don't like, a few dodgy side streets and suburbs, but the good stuff makes it worth-while.
The Midnight Library
The Midnight LibraryMatt Haig · HarperAvenue · 202056,6bin okunma
69 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Ey Müslüman şuurlaş.
Spoiler Müslüman, şuurlaş. Çileleş ve şuurlaş. Hazre- ti Hüseyin'in sırf bir dünya günü görmek için şehit olmadığını bil ve şuurlaş. Din ve gerçek için ebedi bir modeldir sana O. Komünizm'in senin insanını eritmek için nasıl arılar ve karıncalar gibi çalış- tığını gör ve bu ağı parçalamak için şuur kılıcını keskinlet. Hıristiyanlığın, kendi ülkesindeki ye- nilgisini senin ülkendeki zaferle kapatmaya ça- lışan Papalığın ihtirasını sez. Şuur yığınağı yap. Doğu'yu, Batı'yı tanı. Geçmişi iyi bil ve geleceği iyi düşün. Zamanın her atomunda tarih doldu- ran bir av yap. Suurlaş, şuurlaş, öyle şuurlaş ki, dıştan gelen her yıkış planının daha ilk maddesi açıklanmadan, sen son maddesini söyleyeceksin. İlerleyişlerinde metrelerine kilometrelerle cevap verecek bir şuur gerek sana. Şuurunu öyle bütünleştir ki, içine yabancı hiçbir madde karışmasın ve orada küf bağlamasın. Müslüman, birleş. Bir tek el, bir tek gövde ol. Bir tek şuur ör. Sımsıkı birliğe ermeden, lamban yanmaz. Müslüman, islâmı öyle sağ ve diri, canlı yaşa ki, seni öldürmeye gelen sende dirilsin.
İslamın Dirilişi
İslamın DirilişiSezai Karakoç · Diriliş Yayınları · 20219,8bin okunma
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actually I am not that much fan of watching series of films while I have chance to read the narration. (As I really fond of getting lost deep down in the imagination instead of producers or directors push me inside a frame which has limits.) However, I watched a few of Harry Potter series long time ago and I was really impressed like the people all over the world. But still, I keep tracing "the mainstream" behind because I don't feel like urgently reading the things when I am exposed to non-stop chats and spoilers about a book. So, here I bought the whole series two years ago and I have waited until this day to start from somewhere. I really enjoyed the Philosopher's Stone and J.K Rowling's fluent narration, the first book is ermmm amazing and even beyond the imagination.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneJ. K. Rowling (Robert Galbraith) · Bloomsbury · 201753,5bin okunma
267 syf.
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5 günde okudu
There is lots of different types of story which depend on the mysteries of God in Black and White …No heavy stuff about “GOD” in this book all, unless u take a minute to contemplate quietly on a story after reading it.The parables (short stories) ;soul travel,dreams,karma,initiation into the sound and lights of God,death and reincarnation…etc. They cover an important range of topics of this book.While I was reading each parables I need a break :( Believe or not -accept or unaccept! I think who wants to start on the path home to God may believe each of them - lights of God. Meanwhile I need to set good examples -What is it? - Car trouble Boomerang,Cow paths of the mind.Some contemplations that I choose from this book ..Soul can create whatever it needs-We learn that everything that happens to us is something to teach us more about the laws of Spirit..
The Book Of ECK Parables Vol. 1
The Book Of ECK Parables Vol. 1Harold Klemp · Eckankar · 19861 okunma
230 öğeden 161 ile 170 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.