"One shouldn't base a choice on love, anger, hate. They're just silly feelings that cloud the mind." "İnsan seçimini sevgi, öfke, nefret üzerine temel almamalı. Bunlar sadece zihni bulandıran aptalca duygular."
Buy me a trip to the Moon So I can laugh at my mistakes You see, I can see the end from here From this perspective, it looks kind of silly Satellites and astronauts Tell me there are greater things ahead
Sorrows of Werther
WERTHER had a love for Charlotte Such as words could never utter; Would you know how first he met her? She was cutting bread and butter. Charlotte was a married lady, And a moral man was Werther, And, for all the wealth of Indies, Would do nothing for to hurt her. So he sighed and pined and ogled, And his passion boiled and bubbled, Till he blew his silly brains out, And no more was by it troubled. Charlotte, having seen his body Borne before her on a shutter, Like a well-conducted person, Went on cutting bread and butter. William Makepeace Thackeray
Rule 182: Complaining is silly, either act or forget.
"There is no such thing as a good father because the role itself is bad. Strict fathers, soft fathers, nice moderate fathers — one's as bad as another. They stand in the way of our progress while they try to burden us with their inferiority complexes, and their unrealized aspirations, and their resentments, and their ideals, and the weaknesses they've never told anyone about, and their sins, and their sweeter-than-honey dreams, and the maxims they've never had the courage to live by — they'd like to unload all this silly crap on us, all of it! Even the most neglectful fathers, like mine, are no different. Their consciences hurt them because they've never paid attention to their children and they want the kids to understand just how bad the pain is — to sympathize!" The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea,
Yukio Mişima
Yukio Mişima
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