Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
i could never be somebody's crush. i could never be the romantic interest in some other boy's story. i'm not pretty enough to have that kind of love. that kind of love where he stares at you and says that "you are so beautiful". i'm not that pretty enough to be loved from afar. pined after. persued. sure, someone will love me eventually, but they'll have to know me. and maybe that's not so bad. but is it too much to want to be wanted like the boys want pretty girls? to be wanted like i see on tv? i just want someone to have a crush on me. a silly little crush, for a silly little girl.
Niyə mən bir hədəfə çatmaq üçün, başqa sözlə nədəsə uğurlu olmaq uğrunda çabalayım ? Özü də əgər mən hədəfə çatarkən alacağım həzzi sosial şəbəkələrin dopomin bolluğundan ala bilirəmsə, lap özü də çox yaxın müddətdə. Niyə mən oturub kitab oxumalıyam, instagramda "silly cat" videolarına baxmaq varkən ? Dopomin, dopomin, dopomin. Yuxarıda yazdıqlarım mənə yox, beyinlərimizə aiddir hansı ki dopomin adlı "tanrıya" sitayiş eliyir. ( Elətdirilir və ya elətdiririk ) Fabrikdən çıxma birəbir eyni olan robotlar kimi eyni anda eyni şeyləri düşünən ( "Oyda mən də indicə onu düşünürdüm" sözlərini inanmıram ki indikilər qədər işlədən var ), duyğusallıqla bağlarını yavaş-yavaş qoparan, ən əsası da yaşama fərqindəliyini itirmiş gənclər. Aranızdan biri də çıxıb deyəndə ki, "Mən uğurlu biznesmen olacam", "Mən bu gün Tolstoy oxuyacam", "Mən x'i eləməyə başlıyacam" qarşılaşdığı tanrısı dopomin olanların məzəmmətindən başqa nə olur ? Bugünü üçün, indiki həzzləri üçün yaşıyan bizlərin və sosial şəbəkələrin əlindən gəl də indi bir şey elə !? Bunlardan qurtulmaq artıq qeyri-mümkündür ancaq ən azından yaşadığımızın fərqinə varmalıyıq; İçdiyimiz çaydan həzz almağı, yeriyərkən yeridiyimizin fərqində olmağı ən əsası da biraz insan kimi yaşamağı bacarmalıyıq. Mən də həmin robotlardanam amma fərqli olduğuna inanan robotlardan, hamı kimi..
Scorpio women :)
She's everything but crazy. They've mistaken her passion for aggressiveness, her needs for silly demands. Her flaws were too much to handle and her love was too real to accept...
Pierre Alex Jeanty
Pierre Alex Jeanty
And I cry, though it's silly.
Silly little girl who tried to live forever..
I once loved someone exactly how they wanted. When they stumbled, I put my body between them and the ground. When they were cold, I gave them the clothes from my own back even if I was freezing too. Broke my bones in two to build them bridges. Gave my own freedom up to release them from their cages. I thought if I gave and gave that one day they would turn round and love me back. They smiled as they left, taking all of my love with them, leaving a hole in my chest so large nothing can fill it, saying, ‘Silly girl. That isn’t what love is about.’
Nikita Gill
Nikita Gill
I've always hoped to find someone to fall deeply in love with.Someone I could spend the rest of my life with,silly isn't it?
MANGA:Gods of High school
#mangareads #mangareview #mangastram #mangaaddiction #godofhighschool #godofhighschoolfanart #godofhighschoolwebtoon #mangaoku #mangayorumu #mangaokuru And another end of a manga series ! I am not saying that the manga is totally over bcuz it seems that there are still some chapters to be released in coming days and months ... So far 457 chapters have been translated and relased in English in webtoon . and again I didnt leaf through some pages of my books owing to the fact that I got really immersed into an other manga read😂 It was as thrilling as tower of God was ..At the beginning the story seemed too complicated and silly but when we comes to chapters at the end , you see that almost first chapters are correlated and interconnected with last chapters .... Another point to be stated is that the concept of friendship among some friends , the hunger and greed of human beings for more and more without taking into consideration with the lives of innocent people were showed pretty well .. Particularly from the perspective of those people seeing themselves having mission and vision for humanity but doing all kind of bullshit.... It is definitely worth of reading .... Start to read it without hesitation. But if you have some books on your table to read , first concentrate on reading it or else you won't take a look till you end your manga's whole chapters😂😂😂
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