There is only one moment that matters: Now! This is the most important time because it is the only time we have power. Önemli olan tek bir an vardır: Şimdi! Bu en önemli zamandır çünkü gücümüzün olduğu tek zamandır.
Öğrenmek isteyen, herşeyi öğrenebilir.
I have now understood that though it seems to men that they live by care for themselves, in truth it is love alone by which they live. He who has love, is in God, and God is in him, for God is love.
Sayfa 46
I have learnt that all men live not by care for themselves but by love.
Sayfa 45
"İnsanların bencillikle değil sevgiyle yaşadığını öğrendim." "I learned that people live with love, not selfishness."
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