Ne Okusam?
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"For not only is a developed sense of responsibility absolutely indispensable, but in general also an attitude which, at least during working hours, is freed from continual calculations of how the customary wage may be earned with a maximum of comfort and a minimum of exertion. Labour must, on the con- trary, be performed as if it were an absolute end in itself, a calling. But such an attitude is by no means a product of nature".
"The ability of mental concentration, as well as the absolutely essential feel- ing of obligation to one's job, are here most often combined with a strict economy which calculates the possibility of high earnings, and a cool self-control and frugality which enor- mously increase performance. This provides the most favourable foundation for the conception of labour as an end in itself, as a calling which is necessary to capitalism: the chances of overcom- ing traditionalism are greatest on account of the religious upbringing"
“Step the fuck away from my daughter before I spill your brains on the floor.” Aiden’s posture and expression remains the same, absolutely unfazed by the threat Papa not-so-subtly poses. As if that’s not enough, he turns around, letting Papa hold the gun to his forehead. “Go ahead, shoot. This is the only chance you’ll have to get me in a position like this. Use it well.”
“Why haven’t you told me?” Her voice is brittle and so fucking sad, it cuts me open. “Told you what?” “That you’re sick. You’re dying?” She all but bursts out crying, her tiny frame shaking, her choked breathing filling the air. Ilya steps out of the car next, looking absolutely calm. “I’m dying?” I mouth. “I had to do something. It’s boring to watch whatever foreplay this is.”
Sayfa 453Kitabı okudu
Trauma can also change a person beyond recognition. Sometimes you look at other people, then look in the mirror, and you feel hollow inside. You think, how did I become like this? I don’t even recognize myself. Ordinary people pursue things, nothing but houses, cars, careers, love, position, dreams. They’re busy every day, each one of them holding a bellyful of worries and happiness. Their worries are genuine feelings, and their happiness is sincere. They don’t know what ‘inconstancy’ is. They think that today is the same as yesterday is the same as tomorrow. They won’t think, ‘I’m only an ant sitting on a dead leaf floating in the river that can overturn any time.’ But you’re different. You can’t spend your days like that. You’re like a hen that’s had its feathers scared off by a firework and can’t lay eggs anymore.—You look at other people and think that all the things they’re pursuing are illusions. You can’t treat them as real. They can vanish just like that. You have nightmares every day. Your head is full of vain hopes. You’re irritable, worried, anxious for absolutely no reason… And It doesn’t pass. These things never pass.
Don’t have any secret, be absolutely open, and allow the other person also to be absolutely open, and respect openness.
And one asks oneself where are one's dreams. And one shakes one's head and says how rapidly the years fly by! And again one asks oneself what has one done with one's years. Where have you buried your best days? Have you lived or not? Look, one says to oneself, look how cold the world is growing. Some more years will pass, and after them will come gloomy solitude; then will come old age trembling on its crutch, and after it misery and desolation. Your fantastic world will grow pale, your dreams will fade and die and will fall like the yellow leaves from the trees…. Oh, Nastenka! you know it will be sad to be left alone, utterly alone, and to have not even anything to regret—nothing, absolutely nothing … for all that you have lost, all that, all was nothing, stupid, simple nullity, there has been nothing but dreams!" Şimdi “Hani hayaller?” diye sormaktan kendimi alamıyorum. Baş sallayıp: “Yıllar ne çabuk geçiyor…” demekten başka çare yok. Bu kez yeni bir soru karşınıza dikiliveriyor: “Peki ama, geçen yıllar, ömrün en iyi yılları ne olacak?.. Yaşadın mı, yoksa yalnızca yaşadığını mı sandın?.. ” İçinizdeki ses: “Bak, çevrende her şey nasıl gittikçe soğuyor…” demektedir. Umutsuzluk; yalnızlık içinde yıllar geçecek; sarsak ihtiyarlık bastonuna dayanarak karşınıza dikilecek. Her şey hüzüne, kedere bürünecek… Yaşadığınız o parlak dünya sönecek, hayaller, sarı yapraklar gibi bir bir dökülecek… Ah Nastenka, o zaman hem yapayalnız kalmak, hem de arkandan acıyacak bir şeyin olmadığını bilmek, –çünkü yitirdiklerinin hepsi değeri sıfır olan hayaller; ne kadar acı, değil mi?
Saga EgmontKitabı okudu
The Diary of a Dangerous Child
In another year I shall be fifteen, a woman must grow young again. I have cut off my hair and I am asking myself nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Landon looks like his favorite Greek statues when he’s coming—an absolutely stunning god, but cold and cryptic.
Sayfa 200Kitabı okudu
Delulu'lığım her gün artıyor...
The moment he hears the way she talks about him being her man, he feels happy deep down. He is hers, and she is his and that is how it would always be. "You are absolutely right. I'm not like any other men, and I am a man that only belongs to you. You are my heart, my light, and my world."
He releases the most delicious startled sound I’ve ever heard and I’m done for. Finished. Absolutely jumping off a cliff, rolling and cracking a few bones and not giving a flying fuck, because I have my prize at the bottom. Him.
Sayfa 113Kitabı okudu
His fingers ghost over the elegant sans serif font I had tattooed on my heart. Like where he got the tattoo for me. This is the first and last tattoo I’ll ever get, since I’m absolutely not a fan of pricking my skin anymore, but I had to ink him on the heart that beats because he exists. “You had Niko’s lotus flower tattooed on your chest?”
Sayfa 493Kitabı okudu
"When you think about Cassie not living with you anymore how does that make you feel?" -"When I think about Cassie never returning to me it makes me sad. Waking up in the evening isn’t exciting anymore now that I know I won’t be seeing her face." "So you’re into her, is what I’m hearing." -"Absolutely not. I am NOT “into her.” I just like her drawings. And her everything."
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