Quicksilver is a useful thing for many purposes. For instance, neither silver nor copper can be gilded properly without it. And when gold has been woven into a garment, and the garment becomes worn out with age so that it is no longer respectable to use, the pieces of cloth are put into earthen pots, and burned up over a fire. The ashes are then thrown into water and quicksilver added thereto. This attracts all the bits of gold, and makes them combine with itself. The water is then poured off, and the rest emptied into a cloth and squeezed in the hands, whereupon the quicksilver, being a liquid, escapes through the loose texture of the cloth, but the gold, which has been brought together by the squeezing, is found inside in a pure state.
'Form follows function' "Biçim işlevi izler". Horatio Greenough (Amerikalı heykeltraş) işlevselci mimarlığın bu en uzun ömürlü sloganı,günümüzde karşıtını da doğurmuştur. Fakat daha 1920'de Le Corbusier Vers une Architecture adlı kitabında "Mimarlık sadece fayda gütmenin ötesindedir. Mimarlık plastik bir olgudur... " diyordu.
"Architecture cannot save the world, but it can set a good example."
Just before the Greek conquest Imhotep became honored as a great healer and when the Greeks governed the country they equated him to their healing god Asklepios. The Romans honored Imhotep as a god, who knew architecture, interpreted divinatory signs, and helped the ill, infertile, and pregnant. His fame was so great that Arab scholars of the Middle Ages still referred to him as a sage.
the cathedrals of england
'true taste' of Italian Renaissance architecture with the 'venerable barbarism' of the Gothic North. (Sir Horace Mann)
Sarkis Balyan
KAYNAK: @artisansdergi * Garabet Amira Balyan'ın oğlu olarak 1835 yılında dünyaya gelmiştir. Genel olarak Balyan ailesinin fertlerinin çocukluğuna dair çok fazla bilgi bulunmamakla birlikte bir takım bilgiler de muğlak kalmıştır. 1843 yılında ağabeyi Nigoğos Balyan'la birlikte Paris'e gittikleri ve burada Collège Sainte-Barbe de
At the software-architecture level, the complexity of a problem is reduced by dividing the system into subsystems. Humans have an easier time comprehending several simple pieces of information than one complicated piece. The goal of all software-design techniques is to break a complicated problem into simple pieces. The more independent the subsystems are, the more you make it safe to focus on one bit of complexity at a time.
But is it not already an insult to call chess anything so narrow as a game? Is it not also a science, an art, hovering between these categories like Muhammad's coffin between heaven and earth, a unique yoking of opposites, ancient and yet eternally new, mechanically constituted and yet an activity of the imagination alone, limited to a fixed geometric area but unlimited in its permutations, constantly evolving and yet sterile, a cogitation producing nothing, a mathematics calculating nothing, an art without an artwork, an architecture without substance and yet demonstrably more durable in its essence and actual form than all books and works, the only game that belongs to all peoples and all eras, while no one knows what god put it on earth to deaden boredom, sharpen the mind, and fortify the spirit?
The archaeological bias that has seen the preservation of many of Egypt’s desert graves but the almost complete loss of her mud-brick domestic architecture means that our evidence will always veer towards the mythology of death. More particularly, it will veer towards the mythology of death accepted by those wealthy enough to invest in a decorated tomb.
" The house , " says the Swiss architect Mario Botta , " is intimately related to the idea of shelter . A cave carved out of the rock is like a mother's womb . This is the concept of the house that I defend . When I am tired of the world , I want to go home . There I can regain my energy to prepare for the next day's battle . As long as there is a man who needs a house , architecture will still exist ... A house should be like a mother's womb . "
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