ONCE UPON A time there was a wealthy merchant who had three beautiful daughters. He spoiled them so much that the younger two girls did little all day but sit before the mirror, gazing at their own beauty and pinching their cheeks to make them red . One day the merchant had to leave on a journey. “What shall I bring you when I return?” he asked
Hayranım sendeki bu kıvrak zekâya. Canım Shaw. :)
"İlk büyük başarısı 1894'te yazdığı Arms And The Man (Silahlarla Kahraman) oldu. Bu anti-romantik, anti-militarist oyunun açılış gecesinde tiyatro alkıştan yıkılıyordu. Yazarı sahneye çıkardılar. Sağa sola selam verirken, bir seyirci galeriden, "Yuh" diye bağırdı. Shaw hemen sesin geldiği yöne dönüp şu karşılığı verdi: " Ben de tastamam sizin fikrinizdeyim efendim, ama ikimiz bir tiyatro dolusu halka karşı ne yapabiliriz?"
Xxxtenacion& Maluma& Swaee Lee Arms around you
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms..
This was as Ronan remembered it. Adam's ribs fit against his ribs just as they had before. His arms wrapped around Adam's narrow frame the same way they had before. His hand still pressed against the back of Ronan's skull the way it always did when they hugged. His voice was missing his accent, but now it sounded properly like him as he murmured into Ronan's skin: "You smell like home."
“VLADIMIR: … It is true that when with folded arms we weigh the pros and cons we are no less a credit to our species.”
Sayfa 72
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