192 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
4/5 Stars (%75/100) Overall, it was a really good volume, definitely better than the previous one. Diane and King's fight was interesting, I especially like King's new magic. This whole fight festival is a giant training arc for all of our characters so expect all of them to get power-ups. The last two chapters are amazing though. They focus on Escanor and you know he is THE best character in the series. The ending has a huge twist as well. I'm actually curious about the next volume.
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 21
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 21Nakaba Suzuki · 201714 okunma
194 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
3/5 Stars (%65/100) I'm not sure how many of you know this but this is the last volume of The Seven Deadly Sins. Yes, the manga has finally ended, like couple weeks ago. I have very mixed feelings about the whole ending and the last couple of chapters. I feel like they really dragged the Demon King fight and though it was similar to the Madara fight in Naruto, it was less successful and kind of annoying at some parts. However, thanks to one character that I really really like, I forgave them. Then, when we were expecting it to end, they decided to start another short arc which made absolutely no sense at all. I am talking about the whole Chaos thing. It still does not make sense and I will not accept any excuse. The real ending, however, was interesting. There were some new characters and we also get to see the changes after the big war. I am giving this 3 stars mainly because the series has a special place in my heart. I would absolutely recommend you to read it. (The anime is also good but they messed up the animation in the last season sadly.)
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 41
The Seven Deadly Sins, Vol. 41Nakaba Suzuki · 202010 okunma
chapter seven **REN**2000**
Della Mclary had become mine the moment she ended up in my backpack. I was the only one who could hurt her. Not that man holding her. Not Social Services. Not Mclary or false parents or men who might buy her for special tasks. Only me.
Sayfa 46
chapter seven **REN**2000**
I wanted the reward of hard living because every day was sweeter for having survived with no one and nothing. Perhaps I was punishing myself, or maybe I’d lost all trust in people.
Sayfa 42
Chapter Twenty-Seven + Evan
I don’t believe in curses, but you’d be surprised at how much you fear something being taken from you when you love it so deeply.
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Tessa
"Small things are the most important."
Gallery Books - kindle
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