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Adam Silvera
Adam Silvera
They Both Die at the End
They Both Die at the End
her zaman gördüğüm ve sonunda merak edip aldığım bir kitap. Death-cast sizi saat kaç olursa olsun arıyor ve 24 saat içinde öleceğinizi söylüyor. Karakterlerimiz Rufus ve Mateo birbirinden habersiz iki genç, aynı gün içinde death-cast tarafından aranıyorlar ve ölecekleri söylüyor. Kaderleri bir noktada birbirine bağlanan ikili başta birbirlerinden çekinselerde gün içinde seksüel yönelimleri doğrultusunda sevgililik yoluna giriyorlar... Bence kitap aslında ölümün her an yanımızda olduğunu ve hayatın mümkün olduğunca tanının çıkartılarak yaşanması gerektiğini vurgulamaya yönelik yazılmış bir eser çünkü bazı yerleri okurken keşke diyorsunuz.
They Both Die at the End
They Both Die at the EndAdam Silvera · HarperTeen · 20173,086 okunma
To be, or not to be; that is the question; Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die: to sleep: Nor more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to; ‘tis a
In South America, many tribes take ayahuasca to foresee the future, settle disputes, decipher enemy plans, cast or remove spells, or insure the fidelity of their women. Sensations of death and sepa ration of body and soul are sometimes experienced during a dreamlike trance. Hallucinogenic Plants - A Golden Guide
My soul wants to fly away When your Presence calls it so sweetly, My soul wants to take flight When you whisper, "Arise." A fish wants to dive from dry land into the ocean when it hears the roaring waves. A falcon wants to return from the forest to the King's wrist when it hears the drum beating
Sayfa 12
Bahtsız Bedevi Henry VII
On 2 April 1502 Prince Arthur died at Ludlow. Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth were devastated. ...Arthur's death was a blow from which the king would never recover. ...But this was nothing to the misery that followed on 11 February 1503, when Queen Elizabeth also died, following the premature birth of her last child, a girl named Katherine. In less than eighteen months, all his plans for the future of his dynasty had collapsed. The shadow cast by Arthur's death was long and dark, and it changed the whole character of Henry VII's reign. His mood shifted from celebratory to suspicious.
Sayfa 349Kitabı okudu
Regan’s position in The Case for Animal Rights has the same limitation as Singer’s utilitarianism. This is evident in Regan’s lifeboat example. “Imagine 0ve survivors are on a lifeboat. Because of limits of size, the boat can only support four. All weigh approximately the same and would take up approximately the same amount of space. Four of the 0ve are normal adult human beings. The 0fth is a dog. One must be thrown overboard or all will perish. Who should it be?” Regan’s answer is that “no reasonable person would suppose that the dog has a ‘right to life’ that is equal to the humans’.”26 The dog should unquestionably be thrown overboard, because “the harm that death is, is a function of the opportunities for satisfaction that it forecloses, and no reasonable person would deny that the death of any of the four humans would be a greater prima facie loss, and thus a greater prima facie harm, than would be true in the case of the dog.”27 Moreover, “numbers make no diference in this case. A million dogs ought to be cast overboard if that is necessary to save the four normal humans.”28
Sayfa 11 - CONTEMPORARY DEBATES ON THE STATUS OF ANIMALS, Current Philosophical Discussions of the Moral Status of AnimalsKitabı okudu
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