240 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
3 günde okudu
Boyalı Peçe-W. Somerset Maugham
"Sen kör talihimin rastladığı en kibirli ve aptal herifsin sahiden." Kitty, biraz geç de olsa gerçeği fark etmişti. Kitap; Kitty, Walter, Charles arasında dönüyor. Kitty, gençliğinde zamanını danslarda balolarda eğlenerek harcamış ve bu yüzden çevresinin, ilerleyen zamanlarda özellikle annesinin eleştiri oklarına maruz kalmıştır. Kız
Boyalı Peçe
Boyalı PeçeW. Somerset Maugham · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 20162,910 okunma
Sadece yaşayın.
Hiç kimse sizi istemese de yaşayın. Hiç kimse sizi sevmesede yaşayın. Hiç arkadaşınız yoksa yaşayın. Hiç dostunuz yoksa yaşayın. Hiç aileniz yoksa yaşayın. Dertler çoksa yaşayın. Sağlığınız yoksa yaşayın. Sevgiliniz sizi terk ettiyse yaşayın.
208 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
24 günde okudu
4/5 Stars (%77/100) This was pretty good! If there is even the slightest hint of time travel in a book, you can count me in. That's why I wanted to read this one along with a nice review from one of my friends. The reason why it took me almost a month to finish this is the fact that I chose the audiobook version. It was good but mostly I
Before the Coffee Gets Cold
Before the Coffee Gets ColdToshikazu Kawaguchi · Picador Publishing · 20195,7bin okunma
170 syf.
4/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
Machiavelli basically recommends/permits/legitimizes anything (using fear, force, hypocrisy, etc.) to remain in power. Although it is a recommendation book to the Princes/rulers, it does not contain the word "justice" once. The ideas presented in this book clearly represents the difference between the West & East. In the eastern
The Prince
The PrinceNiccolo Machiavelli · CreateSpace Independent · 201414,9bin okunma
64 syf.
Puan vermedi
1 saatte okudu
The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer Tom was there and listening. Marrycried with all her heart and Tom could hear it, Mrs Harper said good night and went home. Aunt Polly prayed for Tom. She was in tears. Tom's heart was full of pity for her. He went back to the ferryboat. There was nobodyto see him so he walked on board the boat. Huckleberryand Joe waited for Torn to come back. Tom Sawyer is an imaginative and nice kid, but he is verymischievous. He lives with his aunt Polly and his brother, Sid in a town near the Mississippi River, His aunt can never discipline him as she wants. He always finds himself in trouble. He falls in love with a girl called Becky and tries hard to impress her. One day, Tom runs away from home to become a pirate with his friend Huck Finn, Amazing adventures are waiting for them.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Tom SawyerMark Twain · Oxford Bookworms Library · 200711,1bin okunma
Delicate List
Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, the bestselling novel of the nineteenth century, helped whites to imagine slavery from the perspective of slaves and played a significant role in changing Americans’ attitudes toward the institution. Dickens’s Oliver Twist prompted changes in how children were treated in nineteenth-century Britain; the work of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn introduced people to the horrors of the Soviet gulag; movies such as Schindler’s List and Hotel Rwanda expanded our awareness of the plights of people (sometimes in the past, sometimes in other countries) whom we might never encounter in real life. For a more recent example, consider how radically the treatment of racial and sexual minorities in the United States has changed over the last few decades. Much of the credit here should go to television; we often relate to characters on our favorite shows as if they were our friends, and millions of Americans regularly interacted with pleasant and amusing and nonthreatening blacks and gays on programs like The Cosby Show and Will and Grace. This can be powerful stuff; it might well be that the greatest force underlying moral change in the last thirty years of the United States was the situation comedy.
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